On 3/16/18 6:44 AM, Andrew Cooper wrote:
> On 16/03/18 11:26, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>>> On 15.03.18 at 18:31, <anoob.so...@citrix.com> wrote:
>>> --- a/tools/firmware/hvmloader/config.h
>>> +++ b/tools/firmware/hvmloader/config.h
>>> @@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ struct bios_config {
>>>      void (*create_mp_tables)(void);
>>>      void (*create_smbios_tables)(void);
>>>      void (*create_pir_tables)(void);
>>> +
>>> +    /* Physical address of iPXE ROM, loaded by domain builder
>>> +     * when using ROMBIOS
>>> +     */
>>> +    unsigned int *ipxe_rom_addresss;
>> Comment style. And can the pointer be to const?
>>> @@ -368,7 +370,12 @@ int main(void)
>>>  #ifdef ENABLE_ROMBIOS
>>>      else if ( bios == &rombios_config )
>>>      {
>>> -        bios->bios_load(bios, NULL, 0);
>>> +        ipxe_module = get_module_entry(hvm_start_info, "ipxe");
>>> +
>>> +        if ( ipxe_module )
>>> +            ipxe_rom_addresss = ipxe_module->paddr;
>>> +
>>> +        bios->bios_load(bios, (void *)ipxe_rom_addresss, 0);
>>>      }
>>>  #endif
>> Considering the #ifdef around here - is this whole series an
>> enhancement for qemu-trad only? I don't think we mean to make
>> any such enhancements anymore.
> It is for several important reasons, including allowing distros to
> remove their qemu-trad packages completely.
> The main purpose is to have iPXE as a ROM not embedded in hvmloader, and
> finishes some incomplete earlier work by Anthony to split the SeaBIOS
> and OVMF roms out of HVMLoader (and then later some work which Boris
> offered to do, but time hasn't materialised yet).
> This means that distros don't need to rebuild and redeploy their Xen
> packages every time they want to change their iPXE package and/or don't
> need to maintain multiple iPXE packages.>
> It also removes the final non-stubdom bit of the build which downloads a
> random tarball from the web, which is something downstreams have been
> crying out for for years.

I was originally asking if this was the case on the cover letter. I'll
lend a +1 to the overall series here. As someone that packages Xen in
two source based distros whose package managers run the build in a
separate phase from the fetch stage this is a welcome change. I've been
hacking around this and am glad to drop that.

Doug Goldstein

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