On 3/14/18 4:45 AM, George Dunlap wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 3:31 AM, Doug Goldstein <car...@cardoe.com> wrote:
>> Really early work on switching over to using GitLab CI over
>> Travis CI. GitLab is a competitor to GitHub with some advantages
>> such as an integrated CI system with a lot more flexibility
>> and control. It additionally is fully open sourced unlike GitHub
>> and Travis CI. We can even run an instance if that is preferred
>> over using the hosted instance.
>> This change uses GitLab CI's ability to use Docker based runners
>> for running tests. With GitHub we also use a Docker based runner
>> but we are limited to one Docker container that is then morphed
>> a number of different ways. With this approach we can specify
>> different Docker containers for every run (or use the same). By
>> using different Docker containers we can build environments that
>> match systems where Xen can and should build. Using this
>> approach we should be able to cutdown on the number of surpise
>> build failures encountered by users.
>> An example run can be seen here:
>> https://gitlab.com/cardoe/xen/pipelines/18789907
>> If there is interest in this I will move it over to the "xen-project"
>> name space in the next version.
>> Doug Goldstein (6):
>>   ci: add Dockerfile for CentOS 7.2
>>   ci: add Dockerfile for Ubuntu 14.04
>>   ci: add Dockerfile for Ubuntu 16.04
>>   ci: add Dockerfile for Debian jessie
>>   ci: add cfg to use GitLab CI to build
>>   ci: add a README about the containers
>>  .gitlab-ci.yml                          | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++-
>>  extras/testing/README.md                | 29 ++++++++++++++++++-
>>  extras/testing/centos/CentOS-7.2.repo   | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++-
>>  extras/testing/centos/Dockerfile.7.2    | 41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
>>  extras/testing/debian/Dockerfile.jessie | 21 +++++++++++++-
>>  extras/testing/ubuntu/Dockerfile.trusty | 21 +++++++++++++-
>>  extras/testing/ubuntu/Dockerfile.xenial | 21 +++++++++++++-
> "extras" is a bit generic.  What about something like "automation/build"?
> (You knew this bike shed wasn't going to get in without *some*
> discussion of the color!)
>  -George

Ha. Thank you. So in the same thread I'll move the helper script that
the CI will use into "automation/scripts"? Currently we have
"scripts/travis-build" but there are going to be some more (specifically
for ARM)

Doug Goldstein

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