On 03/07/2018 03:44 PM, Lars Kurth wrote:
> Hi all,
> please find attached
> a) Meeting details (attached meeting invite)
> b) Bridge details
> c) Call for agenda items
> I will collate input and send out a complete agenda, Monday the 12th.
> Depending on volume of agenda requests, I may have to limit agenda items per 
> person/vendor. Please be thoughtful of others. I will assume that your 
> requests 
> are listed in priority order: the first items on your list are of higher 
> priority than others. If you have a company-wide priority list, send one list 
> instead of a list per person.
> Important note: if you import the ICS file, make sure that the meeting shows 
> up 
> in your timezone. Not all calendar clients do this correctly (sigh).
> Regards
> Lars
> == Meeting Details ==
> Wed March 14, 15:00 - 16:00 UTC
> International meeting times: 
> https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2018&month=3&day=14&hour=15&min=0&sec=0&p1=224&p2=24&p3=179&p4=136&p5=37&p6=33
> == Bridge Details ==
> Conference Room: 716-364-857 
> Dial in numbers (common, toll free):
> China           4008 811076
> Germany         0 800 723 5118
> Poland                00 800 1124763
> United Kingdom  0 800 028 4051
> United States   1 877 568 0465
> Other dial in numbers: see attached pdf
> If there are any other countries that are not on the list, please contact me 
> Also, please let me know if I should add countries to the “common” list for 
> the 
> next meeting
> == Agenda Proposal ==
> We start with a round the table call as to who is on the call (name and 
> company)
> === A) Coordination and Planning ===
> Coordinating who does what, what needs attention, what is blocked, etc.
> A1) Short-term
> The 4.11 release is approaching freeze date
> * Last posting date: March 16th, 2018
> * Hard code freeze: March 30th, 2018
> Please call out any x86 related series, or series that are blocked on x86 
> parts, 
> that are in good state and can be completed in the remaining time. Provide
> * Title of series
> * Link to series (e.g. on 
> https://lists.xenproject.org/archives/html/xen-devel, 
> markmail, …)
> * Number of outstanding ACKs (and by whom), number of ACKs

I assume you're suggesting that individuals should reply to this email
with that information?  And that to begin with you'll be acting as
secretary to keep track of it?


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