On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 11:04 AM, Andrii Anisov <andrii_ani...@epam.com> wrote:
> On 09.02.18 17:34, Meng Xu wrote:
>> If you want to keep the same VCPU parameter, can you try to set task's
>> period = 100ms and exe time = 40ms?
>> By theory (I used CARTS to compute), a VCPU (10ms, 5ms) can schedule a
>> task (100ms, 40ms).
>> Note that the resource demand of two RT tasks with the same utilization is
>> different: the task with smaller period has larger demand.
> BTW, could you please share the model xml file to me?

It's attached.

<system os_scheduler="EDF" period="2"> 
	<component name="C0" scheduler="EDF" period="10"> 
		 <task name="T0" p="100" d="100" e="40" > </task>
<component name="OS Scheduler" algorithm="PRM interface">
		<model period="2" bandwidth="1" deadline="2"> </model>
		<model period="2" execution_time="2" deadline="2"> </model>
	<component name="C0" algorithm="PRM interface">
			<model period="10" bandwidth="0.5" deadline="10"> </model>
			<model period="10" execution_time="5" deadline="10"> </model>
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