On 01/10/2018 04:39 PM, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Jan Beulich writes ("Re: Radical proposal v2: Publish Amazon's verison now, 
> Citrix's version soon"):
>> There are a couple of instances of "a branch", and I'm not really
>> clear on which one that would be, yet in part my opinion depends
>> on that, as this will affect what state certain branches will be in
>> for subsequent work. As I agree with the PVH shim being the
>> better baseline for work going forward, in particular I wouldn't like
>> to see the Vixen series becoming the base of any branch going to
>> be maintained going forward.
> Anthony Liguori writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] Radical proposal v2: Publish 
> Amazon's verison now, Citrix's version soon"):
>> What I would suggest is the following:
>> 1) Merge Vixen into staging
>> 2) Backport Vixen into stable-4.10 and cut a release
> We do not have time any longer (if we had time to start with) to
> reconcile these divergent views.
> Hence George's suggestion, which bypasses the problem.  By "a branch"
> we mean some git branch on xenbits which is not any of our usual git
> branches, and which we expect to die fairly soon.
> Jan, I suggest
>    https://xenbits.xen.org/git-http/xen.git
>      refs/heads/4.10.meltdown.vixen
>      refs/tags/4.10.meltdown.vixen.1   (signed by usual key)

I would use 'shim' somewhere; and I don't think 'meltdown' is necessary,
but I'm not terribly picky.

+1 to putting it on xenbits.


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