Hi all,

For the sake of completeness: the solution to the issue stated in my
last email was deactivating Intel's Turbo Boost technology directly in
UEFI (deactivating Turbo Boost through xenpm was not enough). Apparently
Turbo Boost affects Linux and KVM differently than Xen, which led to the
phonomenon, in which the benchmark execution on Xen appeared faster than
on bare metal.



On 12/15/2017 04:14 PM, Sergej Proskurin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a question concerning a 'correct' Xen configuration to measure
> performance, as I am currently experiencing a quite unexpected behavior.
> My overall setup comprises a Skylake micro-architecture based system
> with a Debian Buster and Linux kernel 4.13.16 running on top of Xen
> v4.8. For performance measurements, I make use of the Phoronix Test
> Suite v7.6.0 and SPECINT 2017. I compare the results of the test suits
> performed in a Xen domu with results performed natively (with the
> "performance" CPU governor on bare metal). Since my test case requires
> the performance measurements run on only one CPU, I limit the Linux
> running on bare metal to using only one CPU (maxcpus=1). I do the same
> with Xen and additionally pin domu to the same CPU that runs dom0, as to
> measure the entire overhead that comes with Xen.
> The odd thing is that the resulting cpu-intensive performance
> measurements of Xen seem to be partially faster than on Bare Metal. The
> affected measurements inside the domu seem to be between ~6% and ~8%
> faster than the ones measured on bare metal. Normally, I would say this
> is a caching issue but the results are quite stable. BTW: there is no
> such issue when running KVM.
> My first assumption was that the benchmak suits make use of the TSC that
> might have been falsely adjusted by the hypervisor. Yet, after playing
> around with the domain control "tsc_mode" (and also the options
> "no_migrate" and "timer_mode"), I did not experience any changes.
> Besides, since the performance benchmarks seemingly use the wallclock
> time, the TSC would not affect the stated time issues anyway. Thus, I
> have set up the domu to use the same localtime as the dom0
> (localtime=1), while at the same time the dom0 uses NTP. Nevertheless,
> the tests showed the same results as before.
> In my oppinion, this is a rather odd behavior that (despite the
> virtualization overhead of Xen) the domu appears to be faster than the
> same Linux kernel running on bare metal. Thus, I wanted to ask you
> whether you had an advice regarding the stated issue, as I am sure that
> I miss a configuration option (also I can't be the only one experiencing
> such behavior, yet I did not find any useful hints on the Internet).
> It would be great if you could help me with my concern :) Thank you very
> much in advance :)
> Thanks and best regards,
> ~Sergej
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Sergej Proskurin, M.Sc.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Technische Universität München
Fakultät für Informatik
Lehrstuhl für Sicherheit in der Informatik

Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching (bei München)

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