> -----Original Message-----
> Hi, Paul.
> I merged the two qemu patches, the privcmd patch [1] and did some tests.
> I encountered a small issue and report it to you, so you can pay more
> attention to it when doing some tests. The symptom is that using the new
> interface to map grant table in xc_dom_gnttab_seed() always fails. After
> adding some printk in privcmd, I found it is
> xen_remap_domain_gfn_array() that fails with errcode -16. Mapping ioreq
> server doesn't have such an issue.
> [1]
> http://xenbits.xen.org/gitweb/?p=people/pauldu/linux.git;a=commit;h=ce5
> 9a05e6712


  That privcmd patch is out of date. I've just pushed a new one:


  Give that a try. I've been using it for a few weeks now.



> Thanks
> Chao

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