This is based on make-flight, with the added all_host_os=centos runvar,
and without test that can not be run.

Anything based on the recipe "test-debian" or "test-pair" is remove, as
they require xen-tools. There is no XSM tests as the CentOS packages is
built without. There is no build jobs as the Xen packages been tested
are built in the CentOS CBS.

Signed-off-by: Anthony PERARD <>
 make-centos-flight | 524 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 524 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 make-centos-flight

diff --git a/make-centos-flight b/make-centos-flight
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a41887f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make-centos-flight
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+# This is part of "osstest", an automated testing framework for Xen.
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Citrix Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+set -e -o posix
+flight=`./cs-flight-create $blessing $branch`
+. ./cri-common
+. ./cri-getplatforms # getplatforms()
+. ./ap-common
+. ./mfi-common
+# Older versions of Xen may not build with the current default.  Note
+# that branches older than 4.3 might need something even older than
+# Wheezy, but we have not done the archaeology to figure out what they
+# require.
+case "$xenbranch" in
+  *)
+    defsuite=`getconfig DebianSuite`
+    defguestsuite=`getconfig GuestDebianSuite`
+    ;;
+# Pick default Debian Installer version to correspond to the chosen
+# suite.
+if [ -z "$defdi_version" ] ; then
+    defdi_version=`getconfig_TftpDiVersion_suite $defsuite`
+job_create_test_filter_callback () {
+  local job=$1; shift
+  local recipe=$1; shift
+  local toolstack=$1; shift
+  local xenarch=$1; shift
+  local dom0arch=$1; shift
+  # cut down the arm64 tests temporarily, due to lack of capacity
+  case "$branch" in
+    *arm*|*libvirt*) ;;
+    *)
+      case "$job" in
+        test-arm64-arm64-xl-multivcpu)         return 1 ;;
+        test-arm64-arm64-xl-rtds)              return 1 ;;
+        test-arm64-arm64-libvirt)              return 1 ;;
+        test-arm64-arm64-libvirt-qcow2)                return 1 ;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+  esac
+  case "$branch" in
+    xen-unstable-smoke)
+      case "$job" in
+        test-amd64-amd64-libvirt)                  return 0 ;;
+        test-armhf-armhf-xl)                       return 0 ;;
+        test-arm64-arm64-xl-xsm)                   return 0 ;;
+        test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-i386)  return 0 ;;
+        *)                                         return 1 ;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    qemu-upstream-4.2-testing)
+      case " $* " in
+        *" device_model_version=qemu-xen "*)
+          ;;
+        *)
+          : "suppressed $job"
+          return 1;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    libvirt)
+      if [ x$toolstack != xlibvirt ] ; then return 1; fi
+      ;;
+    rumprun)
+      case "$job" in
+      *-rumprun-*)
+          ;;
+      *)
+          : "suppressed $job"
+          return 1;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    xtf)
+      case "$xenarch:$dom0arch" in
+          amd64:amd64) ;;
+          *) return 1;;
+      esac
+      case $job in
+          *-xtf-*) ;;
+          *) return 1;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    seabios)
+      case $xenarch in
+          amd64|i386) ;;
+          *) return 1;;
+      esac
+      case $job in
+          *-qemuu-ovmf-*) return 1;;
+          *-qemuu-*) ;;
+          *) return 1;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    ovmf)
+      case $xenarch in
+          amd64|i386) ;;
+          *) return 1;;
+      esac
+      case $job in
+          *-qemuu-*) ;;
+          *) return 1;;
+      esac
+      case " $* " in
+        *" bios=ovmf "*) ;;
+        *) return 1;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    *)
+      case "$job" in
+        *-qemuu-*)
+          if [ x$toolstack != xxl -a x$toolstack != xlibvirt ];then
+              return 1;
+          fi
+          ;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+  esac
+  return 0;
+do_hvm_winxp_tests () {
+  case $xenbranch in
+    xen-3.*-testing)      ;;
+    xen-4.0-testing)      ;;
+    xen-4.1-testing)      ;;
+    xen-4.2-testing)      ;;
+    xen-4.3-testing)      ;;
+    xen-4.4-testing)      ;;
+    xen-4.5-testing)      ;;
+    *)                    return;;
+  esac
+  for vcpus in '' 1; do
+    case "$vcpus" in
+      '') vcpus_runvars=''; vcpus_suffix='' ;;
+      *) vcpus_runvars=guests_vcpus=$vcpus; vcpus_suffix=-vcpus$vcpus ;;
+    esac
+    if [ "x$vcpus" != x ] && \
+       [ "$xenarch$kern-$dom0arch" != "amd64-i386" ]; then
+      continue
+    fi
+    toolstack="xl"
+    if [ x$toolstack = x ] ; then
+      stripy toolstack xend xl \
+            "$vcpus" 1 \
+            "$kern" '' \
+            "$xenarch" i386 \
+            "$dom0arch" i386
+    fi
+    toolstack_runvars="toolstack=$toolstack"
+    job_create_test \
test-$xenarch$kern-$dom0arch-$toolstack$qemuu_suffix-winxpsp3$vcpus_suffix \
+            test-win $toolstack $xenarch $dom0arch $qemuu_runvar \
+            win_image=winxpsp3.iso $vcpus_runvars   \
+            win_acpi_shutdown=true \
+            $centos_test_runvars \
+            all_hostflags=$most_hostflags,hvm
+  done
+do_hvm_win_test_one () {
+  local testidpart=$1
+  local isobase=$2
+  local guestarch=$3
+  shift;shift;shift
+  if [ $xenarch != amd64 ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  case "$guestarch" in
+    amd64)  win_arch=x64 ;;
+    i386)   win_arch=x86 ;;
+    *)      win_arch=$guestarch ;; # probably wrong
+  esac
+  local iso=$isobase-$win_arch.iso
+  job_create_test \
+      test-$xenarch$kern-$dom0arch-xl$qemuu_suffix-$testidpart-$guestarch \
+            test-win xl $xenarch $dom0arch $qemuu_runvar \
+            win_image=$iso \
+            win_acpi_shutdown=true \
+            $centos_test_runvars \
+            all_hostflags=$most_hostflags,hvm \
+            "$@"
+do_hvm_win7_x64_tests () {
+  do_hvm_win_test_one win7 win7 amd64
+do_hvm_win_2017_tests () {
+  do_hvm_win_test_one ws16  ws16       amd64 guests_memsize=3584
+  do_hvm_win_test_one win10 win10v1703 i386  guests_memsize=3584
+branch_debianhvm_arch () {
+  case $branch in
+    xen-unstable-smoke) echo i386;;
+    *) echo amd64;;
+  esac
+do_hvm_debian_test_one () {
+  testname=$1
+  toolstack=$2
+  bios=$3
+  xsm=$4 # 'false' or 'true'
+  stubdom=$5 # '' (or unset) or 'true'
+  local arch=$(branch_debianhvm_arch)
+  local testvars
+  case "$arch" in
+    amd64) iso_dir='install.amd' ;;
+    i386)  iso_dir='install.386'
+           testvars+=' debianhvm_install_timeoutfactor=1.5'
+           testvars+=' debianhvm_diskdevice=/dev/sda' ;;
+    *)     iso_dir="install.$arch" ;;
+  esac
+  stubdom_suffix=""
+  stubdom_runvar=""
+  if [ x$stubdom = xtrue ]; then
+      stubdom_suffix="-stubdom"
+      stubdom_runvar="debianhvm_stubdom=$stubdom"
+  fi
+  job_create_test 
+    test-debianhvm $toolstack $xenarch $dom0arch $qemuu_runvar \
+    $stubdom_runvar $testvars                   \
+    debianhvm_suite=$guestsuite                        \
+    debianhvm_image=$(usual_debianhvm_image $arch) \
+    debianhvm_iso_kernel=/$iso_dir/vmlinuz \
+    debianhvm_iso_ramdisk=/$iso_dir/initrd.gz \
+    bios=$bios \
+    $centos_test_runvars \
+    all_hostflags=$most_hostflags,hvm
+do_hvm_debian_tests() {
+  if [ $xenarch != amd64 ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  # QEMU upstream supports
+  #   1. ovmf + xl
+  #   2. seabios + xl
+  #   3. seabios + libvirt
+  # For libvirt we only generate -xsm test case.
+  if [ "x$qemuu_suffix" == "x-qemuu" ]; then
+    do_hvm_debian_test_one ovmf xl ovmf false
+    do_hvm_debian_test_one debianhvm xl seabios false
+  fi
+  # QEMU traditional supports rombios and stubdom
+  # Only test xl with QEMU traditional
+  if [ "x$qemuu_suffix" == "x-qemut" ]; then
+    do_hvm_debian_test_one debianhvm xl rombios false
+  fi
+do_hvm_rhel6_tests () {
+  if [ $xenarch != amd64 -o $dom0arch != i386 -o "$kern" != "" ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  for cpuvendor in amd intel; do
+    job_create_test 
test-$xenarch$kern-$dom0arch$qemuu_suffix-rhel6hvm-$cpuvendor \
+                                            test-rhelhvm xl $xenarch $dom0arch 
+            redhat_image=rhel-server-6.1-i386-dvd.iso \
+            $centos_test_runvars \
+            all_hostflags=$most_hostflags,hvm-$cpuvendor \
+            $qemuu_runvar
+  done
+do_pygrub_tests () {
+  if [ $xenarch != amd64 -o $dom0arch != amd64 -o "$kern" != "" ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  job_create_test test-$xenarch$kern-$dom0arch-pygrub   \
+    test-debian-di xl $xenarch $dom0arch                \
+      debian_arch=amd64                                 \
+      debian_suite=$guestsuite                          \
+      debian_di_version=$guest_di_version               \
+      debian_method=netboot                             \
+      debian_bootloader=pygrub                          \
+      $centos_test_runvars                              \
+      all_hostflags=$most_hostflags
+do_pv_debian_test_one () {
+  testname=$1; shift
+  recipe_sfx=$1; shift
+  toolstack=$1; shift
+  platform=$1; shift
+  case "$recipe_sfx" in
+    # test-debian recipe requires xen-tools
+    '') return ;;
+  esac
+  suffix=${platform:+-$platform}
+  hostflags=${most_hostflags}${platform:+,platform-$platform}
+  job_create_test test-$xenarch$kern-$dom0arch-$testname$suffix \
+     test-debian$recipe_sfx $toolstack                          \
+            $xenarch $dom0arch                                  \
+            $centos_test_runvars                                \
+            $debian_runvars all_hostflags=$hostflags $@
+do_pv_debian_tests () {
+  # Basic PV Linux test with xl
+  for platform in '' `getplatforms $xenarch` ; do
+    do_pv_debian_test_one xl '' xl "$platform"
+  done
+  do_pv_debian_test_one libvirt '' libvirt ''
+  # We compute a desired architecture for each combination of ts and fmt
+  # Within each fmt we rotate through the list of arches
+  # The starting list rotates once per ts, so that we try to
+  # exercise each fmt on each arch family.
+  local fmtarches_outer="i386 armhf amd64"
+  local endfmt="do_pv_debian_tests-missing-ts-fmt-for-dom0arch="
+  for ts in xl libvirt ; do
+    local fmtarches=$fmtarches_outer
+    fmtarches_outer="${fmtarches_outer#* } ${fmtarches_outer%% *}"
+    for fmt in raw vhd qcow2 ; do
+      local fmtarch="${fmtarches%% *}"
+      fmtarches="${fmtarches#* } $fmtarch"
+      if [ "x$fmtarch" != "x$dom0arch" ]; then
+        continue
+      else
+        endfmt=": "
+      fi
+      fmt_runvar="debian_diskfmt=$fmt"
+      do_pv_debian_test_one $ts-$fmt '-di' $ts '' \
+          debian_arch=$dom0arch                 \
+          debian_suite=$guestsuite              \
+          debian_method=netboot                 \
+          debian_bootloader=pygrub              \
+          $fmt_runvar
+    done
+  done
+  $endfmt$dom0arch
+do_centos_cbs_package () {
+  case "$branch" in
+    centos)   ;;
+    *) return ;;
+  esac
+  # test-centos doesn't do anything
+  # This could be a guest test.
+  job_create_test test-$xenarch$kern-$dom0arch-centos-devel \
+      test-centos xl $xenarch $dom0arch \
+      centos_cbs_repo=candidate \
+      bios=seabios \
+      $centos_test_runvars \
+      all_hostflags=$most_hostflags \
+      all_host_os=centos
+# Override job_create_test from mfi-common
+job_create_test () {
+  local job=$1; shift
+  local recipe=$1; shift
+  local toolstack=$1; shift
+  local xenarch=$1; shift
+  local dom0arch=$1; shift
+  job="$job"
+  job_create_test_filter_callback \
+    "$job" "$recipe" "$toolstack" "$xenarch" "$dom0arch" "$@" || return 0
+  ./cs-job-create $flight $job $recipe toolstack=$toolstack       \
+    $RUNVARS $TEST_RUNVARS $global_runvars $most_runvars          \
+    "$@"
+test_matrix_do_one () {
+  do_pv_debian_tests
+  # RTDS came in 4.5
+  case "$xenbranch" in
+  xen-3.*-testing) test_rtds=n ;;
+  xen-4.0-testing) test_rtds=n ;;
+  xen-4.1-testing) test_rtds=n ;;
+  xen-4.2-testing) test_rtds=n ;;
+  xen-4.3-testing) test_rtds=n ;;
+  xen-4.4-testing) test_rtds=n ;;
+  xen-4.5-testing) test_rtds=y ;;
+  *)               test_rtds=y ;;
+  esac
+  for qemuu_suffix in '' -qemut -qemuu; do
+    case "$qemuu_suffix" in
+    '')
+          case $xenbranch in
+          xen-3.*-testing) ;;
+          xen-4.0-testing) ;;
+          xen-4.1-testing) ;;
+          xen-4.2-testing) ;;
+          *) continue ;;
+          esac
+          qemuu_runvar=''
+          ;;
+    -qemut)
+          qemuu_runvar=device_model_version=qemu-xen-traditional
+          case $branch in
+          qemu-mainline*) continue ;;
+          qemu-upstream*) continue ;;
+          esac
+          ;;
+    -qemuu)
+          case $xenbranch in
+          xen-3.*-testing) continue;;
+          xen-4.0-testing) continue;;
+          xen-4.1-testing) continue;;
+          esac
+          qemuu_runvar=device_model_version=qemu-xen
+          ;;
+    esac
+    do_hvm_winxp_tests
+    do_hvm_win7_x64_tests
+    do_hvm_win_2017_tests
+    do_hvm_rhel6_tests
+    do_hvm_debian_tests
+  done # qemuu_suffix
+  do_pygrub_tests
+pairtoolstack="xl libvirt"
+  all_host_os=centos        \
+  "
+eval "
+    arch_runvars=\"\$ARCH_RUNVARS_$dom0arch\"
+debian_runvars="debian_kernkind=$kernkind \
+                debian_arch=$dom0arch \
+                debian_suite=$guestsuite \
+                "
+          arch=$dom0arch                                  \
+          kernkind=$kernkind                              \
+          $arch_runvars $hostos_runvars
+          "
+echo $flight
+# Local variables:
+# mode: sh
+# sh-basic-offset: 2
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
Anthony PERARD

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