On 02/03/17 13:29, Wei Liu wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 02, 2017 at 06:13:16AM +0100, Juergen Gross wrote:
>> When configuring the build of qemu the configure script is building
>> various test programs to determine the exact version of libxencontrol.
>> Instead of a try and error approach needing updates for nearly each
>> new version of Xen just provide xencontrol.pc to be used via
>> pkg-config.
>> In the end we need two different variants of that file: one for the
>> target system where eventually someone wants to build qemu, and one
>> for the local system to be used for building qemu as part of the Xen
>> build process.
>> The local variant is created in a dedicated directory in order to be
>> able to collect more pkg-config files used for building tools there.
>> Signed-off-by: Juergen Gross <jgr...@suse.com>
> Please consider writing a follow-up patch to at least move
> libxenlight.pc and libxlutil.pc there, too. :-)

I'm planning to do this and more:

- add *.pc for all other Xen libraries
- add the library dependencies to the *.pc files
- use the pkg-config files for the Xen build process in order to get
  rid of the lib specific variables in tools/Rules.mk

When this has been done qemu can be switched to use pkg-config files
from Xen 4.9 on. After this (when Xen is using the enhanced qemu
version) we can drop passing the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS to qemu's


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