On Wed, 1 Mar 2017, Sky Liu wrote:
> Hi, there.
> I'm a student majoring in Information Security in HUST and I'm interested in
> Xen's
> GSoC project on adding page sharing support in the VM config file.
> I've been working in the CGCL lab in HUST for one year and a half, and my
> interests
> include cloud security, SDN and virtualization. I've always been interested
> in the
> Linux kernel and have previously worked with Xen during a research project
> about
> mitigating the security issues brought by VM rollbacks. So I was attracted by
> this
> project at the first sight.
> But I'm still not very familiar with the Xen code base, so I'm wondering if
> you
> could give me some suggestions on where to get started. I think the best way
> to get
> familiar with a project is to submit small patches, so I will appreciate it
> if you
> could tell me some smaller related tasks that I can get involved in prior to
> my
> formal application for the project.
Thank you for your interest in this project and Xen!
Firstly, I would recommend to install Xen from source on your test
machine. If you don't have a test machine, you could install it on your
laptop. Alternatively, Xen on ARM works well on the Cubietruck, also
known as Cubieboard 2 [1][2]. Finally, Xen works also well on top of Xen
or KVM virtual machines on x86 (nested virtualization), so that would be
another way to test it.
I fully agree that the best way to get started is by submitting small
patches. We'll get back to you soon with some examples of potential
small fixes to do. In the meantime, I encourage you to setup a dev and
test environment.
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