On 24/02/17 17:49, Doug Goldstein wrote:
> On 2/24/17 10:14 AM, Juergen Gross wrote:
>> On 24/02/17 17:06, Doug Goldstein wrote:
>>> On 2/22/17 1:53 AM, Juergen Gross wrote:
>>>> On 20/02/17 16:19, Andrew Cooper wrote:
>>>>> On 20/02/17 14:43, Juergen Gross wrote:
>>>>>> On 20/02/17 15:31, Wei Liu wrote:
>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 08:47:07AM +0100, Juergen Gross wrote:
>>>>>>>> There have been reports that Fedora 25 uses /run instead of /var/run.
>>>>>>>> Add a --with-rundir option ito configure to be able to specify that
>>>>>>> I've read this thread but I'm not sure if I need to take any action or
>>>>>>> all the comments addressed -- especially the part about autoconf.
>>>>>> Andrew, are you fine with my answer regarding autoconf? Or do you have
>>>>>> some information regarding --runstatedir which could help?
>>>>> Oh sorry.  Didn't realise I was blocking here.  I have no specific
>>>>> information, other than the quick search I did.
>>>>> Can't the future problem be worked around just with if autoconf version
>>>>> < 2.70 ?
>>>> I don't think it is possible to add configure options other than
>>>> --disable-*, --enable-*, --with-* or --without-* by other means than
>>>> patching general.m4 of autoconf. I don't think we want to do that.
>>>> So the possibilities are:
>>>> 1. don't support /run instead of /var/run via configure
>>>> 2. patch autoconf to support --runstatedir
>>>> 3. take this patch adding support via --with-rundir and possibly
>>>>    switch over to --runstatedir when a new autoconf version is
>>>>    available
>>>> I'm in favor of (3.).
>>>> Juergen
>>> FWIW, many distros have already pulled the patch into their autoconf so
>>> its available so you wouldn't really have to do anything.
>>> Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=759647
>>> Ubuntu: 16.04 and newer have it
>>> Gentoo: no link handy but I know its there
>> openSUSE: not available
>> I don't think its a good idea to rely on _all_ relevant distributions
>> having done the backport.
>> Juergen
> I was under the impression that patches against the configure script are
> just to the .ac file and the committer is responsible to regenerate the
> configure script that's committed and its suppose to happen on a Debian
> machine.

The main problem is (as I already wrote) the parsing of the related
options: there is generic support for --disable-*, --enable-*, --with-*
or --without-* only.

> But that being said I would suggest that openSUSE pull in the patch as well.

And SLE (back to which version?) and ...

> And I'm also not trying to convince people to not go with option 3. Feel
> free to ignore me as noise.


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