On 16/02/17 14:52, Boris Ostrovsky wrote:
> On 02/16/2017 02:47 AM, Juergen Gross wrote:
>> There have been reports that Fedora 25 uses /run instead of /var/run.
>> Add a --with-rundir option ito configure to be able to specify that
>> directory. Default is still /var/run.
> As discussed on the other thread, why not make default be the location
> of directory on build system?

The default when calling ./configure or when building xen? What is the
default for a tree on a nfs share used by both types of systems?

I don't think this solution is a sane one.

> Or even have it determined at boot time?

How would you do that? Test the existence of the directories? What do
you do if both are existing? What do you do if one is created later in
the boot process and the test is being repeated? You'd need to store
the information which directory to use somewhere. This will make all
components using the information more fragile as they need to read the
file instead of just using the configured setting. And at last: why
should we suddenly start to introduce such a behavior while all other
directories are configured statically?


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