>>> On 24.01.17 at 12:33, <ian.jack...@eu.citrix.com> wrote:
> Jan Beulich writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] RFC: Adding a section to the Xen 
> security 
> policy about what constitutes a vulnerability"):
>> "If a bug requires a vulnerable operating system to be exploitable, the
>>  Xen Security Team will pro-actively investigate the vulnerability of
>>  the following open-source operating systems: Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD,
>>  and NetBSD.  The security team will also test or otherwise investigate
>>  the vulnerability of supported Windows versions, and it may also do so
>>  for some other proprietary operating systems."
> I don't think we can promise to come up with a definitely conclusion
> for any proprietary system, can we ?  Answering such a question for
> Windows is not within our power because we don't have the source code.

Well - see George's original mail, which the above was a reply to.
He has suggested that there's enough knowledge around.

> The question, which the above text leaves unclear, is, what do we do
> if we aren't sure whether there are configurations of Windows which
> have the exposed behaviour.

I think I had given my opinion on this in an earlier mail: If in doubt,
we ought to issue an advisory.


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