On Wed, 2017-01-04 at 13:02, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>> On 04.01.17 at 12:58, <james.bul...@citrix.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, 2016-12-13 at 08:42, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>>>> On 12.12.16 at 18:11, <matthew.al...@citrix.com> wrote:
>>>> I'll join in the bunfight with a stronger proposal (noting in 
>>>> passing that according to https://xenbits.xen.org/xsa/ we are now 
>>>> expecting 5 consecutive weeks of XSA announcements):
>>>> 1) Where practical, XSA public disclosures will be batched and 
>>>> announced once per month.
>>>> 2) The calendar of disclosure dates will be published well in 
>>>> advance and will avoid Fridays, weekends, or dates on or immediately 
>>>> before widely respected public holidays.
>>>> 3) Issues will normally have at least 14 days pre-disclosure; this 
>>>> means that an issue discovered immediately prior to a scheduled 
>>>> publication date will normally not be disclosed until the next publication 
>>>> date.
>>>Hmm - this means 6 weeks of latency in the worst case. I don't think 
>> reasonable.
>> What if instead we adopted a model similar to Microsoft's "patch 
>> Tuesday"[1] where there is always one scheduled release/disclosure 
>> date per month and a second scheduled date two weeks later that is 
>> used if needed. As discussed earlier in this thread we could issue 
>> guidance/recommendations to the discovers on choice of disclosure date 
>> - this could be along the lines of "the second Tuesday in a month that 
>> is at least 14 days after the initial pre-disclosure; in cases where 
>> this creates a significant delay, such as more than 4 weeks, and the 
>> issue is considered to be of significant urgency due to its severity, 
>> then the fourth Tuesday in the month should be considered so long as 
>> this allows for a 14 day pre-disclosure period" (or something like that).
> Well, that'll leave us with another fuzzy thing - what does "significant
> urgency due to its severity" really mean? The more that depending on use
> case, people may have significantly differing opinions on this.

TBH I think a certain amount of fuzziness is unavoidable - I don't think
it's practical or desirable to try to foresee every possible case and
define a rule for it.

I'd rather have a (mostly) predictable schedule for our users even if
that means some fuzziness and the inevitable inconsistency it'll bring,
rather than the current model which appears chaotic to users.


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