On Thu, 2016-12-08 at 17:59 +0000, Andrew Cooper wrote:
> On 08/12/16 16:56, Cédric Bosdonnat wrote:
> > From a user point of view, when reading things like "See
> > docs/misc/....txt" in a man page, it is not obvious to find the
> > location of that file. Use $docdir to turn these into absolute
> > paths.
> > 
> > Signed-off-by: Cédric Bosdonnat <cbosdon...@suse.com>
> Hmm.  I can see your point and we really should improve the man pages.
> However, this change will cause
> http://xenbits.xen.org/docs/unstable/man/xl.cfg.5.html to point at a
> local file rather than something which is reasonably accessable from the
> webroot.

Oh, I didn't think about this one. You're right!

> Another issue to consider is that some packagers only package the
> manpages, not the other misc text content.  (I would argue that none of
> the manpages should refer to misc text content in the first place).

So wouldn't the best thing to do rather be converting the misc text content
into proper man pages so that everyone gets it? And we could also easily
jump from one man page to the other using tools like the Vim plugin
(I'm sure other editors has the same sort of tool).


> The web docs are already in a fairly poor state in this regards, so I
> don't know whether it might just be better to taking this patch.
> ~Andrew

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