On 14/11/16 14:05, Jason Long wrote:
> Thank you but the problem is that "virt-manager" is for Redhat and Redhat 
> don't like Xen anymore because of KVM. Another problem is that a program like 
> VirtualBox has a nice GUI but virt-manager not.

virt-manager is also available for Fedora and Fedora doesn't have a
problem with Xen.

> $ dnf info virt-manager
> [...]
> Summary     : Desktop tool for managing virtual machines via libvirt
> URL         : http://virt-manager.org/
> License     : GPLv2+
> Description : Virtual Machine Manager provides a graphical tool for
>             : administering virtual machines for KVM, Xen, and LXC. Start, 
> stop,
>             : add or remove virtual devices, connect to a graphical or serial
>             : console, and see resource usage statistics for existing VMs on
>             : local or remote machines. Uses libvirt as the backend management
>             : API.

virt0manager.org is registered to an individual (admittedly, I believe,
a Red Hat employee).   According to the home page it's available for
Fedora, Debian, Gentoo and OpenBSD.

You could go ahead and do your own version of a GUI but I'd suggest that
fixing the Xen interface and pushing any needed changes to libvirt would
be better.


> On Monday, November 14, 2016 5:22 PM, Dario Faggioli 
> <dario.faggi...@citrix.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 2016-11-10 at 18:20 +0000, Jason Long wrote:
>> I mean is a nice GUI like VirtualBox.
> It's certainly possible, and it would be nice. It's "just" that no one
> has stepped up and started to do it. :-)
> Personally, I think that, rather than developing something from
> scratch, it would be a lot better to use virt-manager
> (https://virt-manager.org/), or other similar front-ends.
> About virt-manager, it is built on top of libvirt, and Xen support in
> libvirt has improved a lot during the past couple of years. Thath means
> a bunch of things and features actually work already.
> It would be really nice and useful if someone could actually try and
> use it with Xen, and report here and to the libvir and virt-manager
> communities what is missing/not working.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Dario

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