Sorry for a confusion.

The sentence:
> Also it does answer to the next question:
should be typed as:
> Also it does NOT answer to the next question:

> > The guest should be IPA agnostic and not care how the physical device is 
> > working when using PV drivers. So for me,
> > this should be fixed in the DOM0 OS.
> Do you consider driver domain guests?

Andrii Anisov.

On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 4:24 PM, Andrii Anisov <> wrote:
> Hello Julien,
> Please see my comments below:
> > From my understanding of what you say, the problem is not because domU is 
> > using memory above 4GB but the fact that >the backend driver does not take 
> > the right decision
> Yep, the problem could be treated in such a way.
> > (e.g using bounce buffer when required).
> I suppose unacceptable performance drop for such kind of solution.
> An alternative here could be reverting of the FE-BE interaction scheme
> in a following way: BE side domain provides buffers and maps them to
> the FE side domain. Some time ago we estimated this approach as huge
> architecture change and enormous implementation efforts. Also it does
> answer to the next question:
> > The guest should be IPA agnostic and not care how the physical device is 
> > working when using PV drivers. So for me,
> > this should be fixed in the DOM0 OS.
> Do you consider driver domain guests?
> Sincerely,
> Andrii Anisov.

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