On Wed, 2016-10-19 at 11:13 -0400, Meng Xu wrote:
> The bug is introduced in Xen 4.7 when we converted RTDS scheduler
> from quantum-driven model to event-driven model.
> We assumed rt_schedule() is always called for a VCPU
> before the VCPUs budget replenished handler.
No, we didn't.

Or at least, I've never done so, and tried as hard as I could to tell
you guys to not make any assumptions on who run first.

So, yes, I agree that, if there is code that only works under such
assumption, it's a bug.

> This assumption does not hold, when system is overloaded, or
> when the VCPU budget is almost equal its period.
> Buggy behavior:
> 1) A VCPU may get less budget that assigned in a period.
> 2) A full capacity VCPU, i.e., a VCPU whose period is equal to
> budget,
>    may not get any budget in some period.
So, there are two bugs. And things are very subtle, as far as I can
judge from both the bugs description and the code.

It would be, therefore, a lot more clear if you could send _one_ patch
per bug.

> Bug analysis:
> 1) A VCPU deadline can be fast-forwarded by more than one period.
>    However, the VCPU last_start time was not updated immediately.
>    If rt_schedule() is called after rt_update_deadline(), which
> happens
>    when VCPU budget is equal to period or when VCPU has deadline
> miss,
>    burn_budget() will burn the budget that was just replenished,
>    although the replenished budget should be used in the most recent
> period only.

I've looked at the code and try to match current behavior, your
proposed change, and this description, but failed.

Can you be a little more precise and specific about what happens when?

I'll keep looking and thinking, but any help in making all this a bit
more clear would be very welcome.

> 2) When a full capacity VCPU depletes its budget and is context
> switching out,
>    but has not updated the cores current running VCPU,
"has not updated the cores current running VCPU,"

I've not idea what this sentence means. What is it that has not yet
been updated?

>    the budget replenish timer may be triggerred.
>    The replenish handler failed to re-schedule the full capacity VCPU
>    because it thought the VCPU is running.
>    When a VCPU budget is replenished, we try to tickle a CPU.
>    When we find a core for a VCPU to tickle and the VCPU is context
> switching out,
>    we will always tickle the core where the VCPU was running,
>    if the VCPU cannot find another core to tickle
Can't understand much again... I guess this is the description of the
solution to the bug?

> This bug was reported by Dagaen Golomb
You can give credit by using the following tag:

Reported by: Dagaen Golomb <x...@yyy.zz>

Thanks and Regards,
<<This happens because I choose it to happen!>> (Raistlin Majere)
Dario Faggioli, Ph.D, http://about.me/dario.faggioli
Senior Software Engineer, Citrix Systems R&D Ltd., Cambridge (UK)

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