>>> On 26.08.16 at 17:11, <joao.m.mart...@oracle.com> wrote:
> On 08/25/2016 11:06 AM, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>>> On 24.08.16 at 14:43, <joao.m.mart...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>> This patch introduces support for using TSC as platform time source
>>> which is the highest resolution time and most performant to get (~20
>>> nsecs).
>> Is this indeed still the case with the recently added fences?
> Hmm, may be not as fast with the added fences, But definitely the fastest 
> time
> source. If you prefer I can remove the mention to time taken.

I'd say either you re-measure it with the added fences, or remove it
as potentially being stale/wrong.

>>>  - Change init_tsctimer to skip all the tests and assume it's called
>>>  only on reliable TSC conditions and no warps observed. Tidy
>>>  initialization on verify_tsc_reliability as suggested by Konrad.
>> Which means that contrary to what you say in the cover letter
>> there's nothing to prevent it from being used when CPU hotplug
>> is possible.
> Probably the cover letter wasn't completely clear on this. I mention that I 
> split it
> between Patch 2 and 5 (intent was for easier review), and you can see that I 
> add
> check in patch 5, plus preventing online of CPUs too.
>> I don't think you should skip basic sanity checks, and
>> place entirely on the admin the burden of knowing whether the
>> option is safe to use.
> Neither do I think it should be skipped. We mainly don't duplicate these 
> checks. In
> the end I am just running init_tsctimer, in the TSC_RELIABLE block and if no 
> warps
> are observed. So putting that in init_tsctimer would just duplicate the 
> previously
> done checks. Or would you still prefer as done in previous version i.e. all 
> checks in
> both init_tsctimer and verify_tsc_reliability?

I'm not sure they're needed in both places; what you need to make
certain is that they're reliably gone through, and that this happens
early enough.

As to breaking this off into the later patch - please don't forget
that this (as any) series may get applied in pieces, so deferring a
crucial check to a later patch is not acceptable. If you mean things
to be split for easier review you may check whether you can find
a way to add the check in q prereq patch.

>>> +            {
>>> +                struct cpu_time *t = &per_cpu(cpu_time, cpu);
>>> +
>>> +                t->stamp.local_tsc = boot_tsc_stamp;
>>> +                t->stamp.local_stime = 0;
>>> +                t->stamp.local_stime = get_s_time_fixed(boot_tsc_stamp);
>>> +                t->stamp.master_stime = t->stamp.local_stime;
>>> +            }
>> Without any synchronization, how "good" are the chances that
>> this updating would race with something the other CPUs do?
> I assumed that at this stage init calls are still being invoked that we 
> update all
> cpus time infos, but maybe it's a misconception. I can have this part in one 
> function
> and have it done on_selected_cpus() and wait until all cpu time structures get
> updated. That perhaps would be better?

I think so - even if the risk of thee being a race right now is rather
low, that way you'd avoid this becoming a problem if secondary
CPUs get made do something other than idling at this point in time.

>>> @@ -1528,6 +1607,7 @@ void __init early_time_init(void)
>>>      preinit_pit();
>>>      tmp = init_platform_timer();
>>> +    plt_tsc.frequency = tmp;
>> How can this be the TSC frequency? init_platform_timer()
>> specifically skips the TSC. And I can see no other place where
>> plt_tsc.frequency gets initialized. Am I overlooking something?
> That's the calibrated TSC frequency. Before I was setting pts->frequency in
> init_tsctimer through a temporary variable called tsc_freq. So I thought I 
> could just
> drop the variable and set plt_tsc directly. The difference though from 
> previous
> versions is that since commit 9334029 this value is returned from platform 
> time
> source init() and calibrated against platform timer, instead of always 
> against PIT.

This doesn't seem to answer my primary question: Where does
plt_tsc.frequency get initialized now? try_platform_timer() and
init_platform_timer() don't - PIT and ACPI timer use static
initializers, and HEPT gets taken care of in init_hpet(), and hence so
should init_tsctimer() do (instead of just returning this apparently
never initialized value). And that's unrelated to what ->init() returns.


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