Wei Liu writes ("[RFC PATCH 6/8] docs: document xenconsole startup protocol"):
> Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <wei.l...@citrix.com>

Oh!  Forget my comment on patch 02. about the commit message and/or
comment.  Maybe you want to squash this one into there, but either

> +The xenconsole program supports a very simple protocol to notify parent about
> +its readiness. If xenconsole (the client) is exec'ed and has been given a fd
> +(normally the write end of a pipe) via --start-noitify-fd option, it will
                                                  ^^^^^^^ not
> +write 0x00 to that fd after connecting to the guest but before entering the
> +event loop. Parent can read fromt the read end of the fd to know the status.

With the two typos fixed,

Acked-by: Ian Jackson <ian.jack...@eu.citrix.com>


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