Andrew Cooper writes ("[XTF PATCH v3] Correct the usage of $(DESTDIR) and 
> The GNU coding standards expect $(DESTDIR) to be the root of everything
> installed, and for $(PREFIX) to then be added to the path.  This is not how
> XTF previously behaved.
> XTF is not a typical package, and doesn't meet the usual semantics; it expects
> to arrange all files in a single directory.  Drop the use of $(PREFIX)
> entirely (to avoid the expectation that it behaves as $(prefix) usually
> behaves) and introduce $(xtfdir) instead.
> $(DESTDIR) now works as intended for staged installes, and $(xtfdir) is the
> single selected directy containing all installed content, typically expected
> to be /opt/xtf or similar.

The semantics you describe are sensible but I want to quibble with
your example xtfdir value.  It is conventional for areas in /opt to
contain the usual subdirs.

> The intended way to install XTF now:
>   $ make install DESTDIR=/path/to/staging/area xtfdir=/opt/xtf

So I think you should provide to a different example.  How about
/local/scratch/xtf ?


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