On 25/07/16 12:53, Wei Liu wrote:
On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 12:34:53PM +0100, Julien Grall wrote:

On 25/07/16 12:11, Wei Liu wrote:
Thanks for investigating.

There are only two arm related changes in the range being tested:

* a43cc8f - (origin/smoke) arm/traps: fix bug in dump_guest_s1_walk handling of level 
2 page tables (5 days ago) <Jonathan Daugherty>
* 60e06f2 - arm/traps: fix bug in dump_guest_s1_walk L1 page table offset computation 
(5 days ago) <Jonathan Daugherty>

They don't look very suspicious.

The modified function is not called in the hypervisor at all. It's only here
for manual debugging.

Although, this may change the offset of some function (assuming we have an
hidden bug).

If you need help navigating osstest test report, please let me know.

I have noticed that there is 2 kernel BUG in the logs (with one host reboot
in the middle). Can you detail what the exact the test?

What I normally do is to look at the summary page of the failed test to
identify the failed step and the time.

In this case:


The time stamp said the failed step started at 2016-07-21 19:30:10 Z,
and then I look at the output of failed step log to look for time stamp
that the test failed.  Then I would look for output between these two
time stamps in various log.

I now realise the log I pasted in was not from the failed test. I wanted
to paste in the second kernel oops, which should be the culprit that
the test failed. The two oops was the same one, though.

To identify  which test step was running when the first oops happened,
the same technique applies.

It seems that the oops happened during ts-debian-install according to
time stamps.

I looked at the new xen-unstable report [1], test-armhf-armhf-xl is passing (though it is on arndale and not a cubietruck).

Is there any way to re-run the previous test on the cubietruck? Just to confirm the bug is reproducable.


[1] http://logs.test-lab.xenproject.org/osstest/logs/99605/

Julien Grall

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