It as been modified by:
3c8d890 x86/PVHv2: update the start info structure layout
247d38c xen: change the sizes of memory fields in the HVM start info to be 

Signed-off-by: Anthony PERARD <>
 docs/misc/hvmlite.markdown | 15 ++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/misc/hvmlite.markdown b/docs/misc/hvmlite.markdown
index c1b75c6..40199c5 100644
--- a/docs/misc/hvmlite.markdown
+++ b/docs/misc/hvmlite.markdown
@@ -41,19 +41,24 @@ The format of the boot start info structure is the 
following (pointed to
 be %ebx):
     struct hvm_start_info {
-    #define HVM_START_MAGIC_VALUE 0x336ec578
+    #define XEN_HVM_START_MAGIC_VALUE 0x336ec578
         uint32_t magic;             /* Contains the magic value 0x336ec578     
                                     /* ("xEn3" with the 0x80 bit of the "E" 
+        uint32_t version;           /* Version of this structure.              
         uint32_t flags;             /* SIF_xxx flags.                          
-        uint32_t cmdline_paddr;     /* Physical address of the command line.   
         uint32_t nr_modules;        /* Number of modules passed to the kernel. 
-        uint32_t modlist_paddr;     /* Physical address of an array of         
+        uint64_t modlist_paddr;     /* Physical address of an array of         
                                     /* hvm_modlist_entry.                      
+        uint64_t cmdline_paddr;     /* Physical address of the command line.   
+        uint64_t rsdp_paddr;        /* Physical address of the RSDP ACPI data  
+                                    /* structure.                              
     struct hvm_modlist_entry {
-        uint32_t paddr;             /* Physical address of the module.         
-        uint32_t size;              /* Size of the module in bytes.            
+        uint64_t paddr;             /* Physical address of the module.         
+        uint64_t size;              /* Size of the module in bytes.            
+        uint64_t cmdline_paddr;     /* Physical address of the command line.   
+        uint64_t reserved;
 Other relevant information needed in order to boot a guest kernel
Anthony PERARD

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