On 18/07/16 16:18, Tamas K Lengyel wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 5:04 AM, George Dunlap <george.dun...@citrix.com> 
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 3:59 PM, Tamas K Lengyel <ta...@tklengyel.com> wrote:
>>>> I could go on in the analysis, but the point is that there's a morass
>>>> of interactions here all of which need to be correct, which this patch
>>>> does not address.  You have a long way to go before sharing and altp2m
>>>> can be safely used on the same gfn ranges.
>>> Hi George,
>>> certainly there are cornercases where if the user does not setup things in
>>> the right order things can still go out of whack. My goal with this patch is
>>> not to address all of them. The goal of this patch is to not crash the
>>> hypervisor when the user at least tries to experiment with it, which is the
>>> current state. So this patch improves the status quo. Also, both mem_sharing
>>> and altp2m is considered experimental/tech_preview, so the fact that their
>>> combination is also experimental should be assumed as well. As I explained,
>>> with this patch in place there is at least one way they can be safely used
>>> together if the user tracks unsharing requirements through mem_access and
>>> does unsharing and fixup of the altp2m views manually. There are other ways
>>> where it would not be safe as after unsharing we don't know how the user
>>> would want things to look in altp2ms. I don't think we want to start
>>> guessing about that either so I will not be looking to implement that. So I
>>> don't agree with this reasoning being grounds for rejecting this patch that
>>> does incrementally improve the current state.
>> So you keep saying "user"; I assume you mean whatever program is
>> sitting in domain 0, which is going to be doing memsharing, altp2m,
>> and memaccess stuff all at once?
>> The altp2m code was not written for that purpose.  It was written for
>> *guest* administrators to use within the guest.
> That's simply not true. It was written specifically to allow both
> usecases - both internal *and* external. Mixing the use-cases was not
> envisioned.

Right, well in any case I certainly think that having external users of
the feature is a good thing to pursue.

>   There's no problem
>> with finding additional uses for it, as long as the *original* purpose
>> doesn't get broken; and this patch most certainly does break things
>> for that purpose.
> This patch most certainly *does not break* the in-guest usecase by
> itself. If the in-guest usecase is used without any mem_sharing going
> on, this patch does not have any effect on that usecase.
>   Guests using altp2m should not have to know that
>> sharing is happening behind their backs; nor should they be required
>> to use mem_access to manually fix up what the hypervisor has allowed
>> to be broken.
> And they are not required. This requirement only applies if the user
> mixes in in-guest and external usecases.

I keep saying "dom0" and "guest administrator", and you keep saying
"user", as though these are always going to be one and the same person.
That is a valid use case, but it is not the normal use case for Xen.  We
need to make it possible for host administrators to be able to decide to
enable sharing without having to know whether the guest administrator is
using altp2m; and the for the guest administrator to be able to decide
to use altp2m without having to know whether the host administrator is
going to enable sharing.

And even if they are the same person, I think code that Just Works is
better than code that has a lot of corner cases you have to avoid.

>> If at the moment altp2m + memsharing just plain crashes, then that
>> should be fixed; and if the lock-ordering parts of the patch fix that,
>> then they should be applied.
> Yes, that would be a start at least.
>   But the code which make sure that the
>> same gfn range cannot both be shared and subject to altp2m must remain
>> until they interact properly, with all the corner cases carefully
>> thought out.
> Well, I don't see that what you suggest is going to happen if
> incremental improvements are not allowed in. 

Incremental improvements are welcome; but they must not cause
regressions in existing functionality.

The code as it is in the tree right now was intended to allow both
sharing and altp2m to be enabled on the same domain, just not over the
same gfn range.  And it was intended to be robust -- that is, the
sharing code and the altp2m code don't need to be aware of each other
and try not to step on each other's toes; each can just do its own thing
and Xen will make sure that nothing bad happens (by preventing pages
with an altp2m entry from being shared, and unsharing pages for which an
altp2m entry is created).

It sounds like that's broken right now; it should therefore be fixed.
When it is fixed, you'll be able to use both altp2m and sharing on the
same domain; Xen will simply prevent sharing from happening on gfn
ranges with altp2m entries.

An even bigger improvement would be to allow the same gfns to be subject
both to altp2m and sharing at the same time.  But this requires thinking
carefully about all the corner cases and making sure that they all work

> Anyhow, at this point I'm
> going to start carrying out-of-tree patches for Xen in my project and
> just resign from my mem_sharing maintainership as I feel like it's
> pretty pointless.

I'm sorry that you're discouraged; all I can say is that I hope you
reconsider.  I'm not trying to block you, and I'm not ignoring your use
case; it's the job of a maintainer to look at *everyone's* use cases and
try to make sure that they are all accommodated in so far as it is

I'm also trying to make sure that the code you end up using in your
project is robust and reliable.  It seems to me like if the current
implementation was fixed, your life would be a lot easier than if we
accept your patch as it is -- your sharing code could just worry about
sharing, your altp2m code could just worry about whatever it's trying to
do, without having to carefully avoid corner cases or manually fix
things up when corner cases happen.  A bit less sharing would happen,
because fewer pages would be eligible to be shared, but overall you'd
have a lot less bugs and headache.

I invested a lot of my very limited time carefully going through both
sets of code before I answered your e-mail, and I spent a lot of time
trying to explain the kinds of interactions I think will be a problem.
I could have just acked the patch without doing that; but I think that
would have been both less good for you, and less good for the project as
a whole.


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