On Fri, Jul 08, 2016 at 06:27:28PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Wei Liu writes ("[PATCH 6/7] libxenstat: honour XEN_RUN_DIR"):
> > This is because libxl uses XEN_RUN_DIR to generate the socket path for
> > libxenstat while libxenstat itself uses hard-coded path, which is not
> > necessary in sync with libxl.

which is not necessarily the same path as XEN_RUN_DIR.

> This commit message is confusing (and perhaps ungrammatical).  Is
> there currently a bug here ?
> Maybe this patch or something like it is a backport candidate ?

There is no bug in the default configuration because XEN_RUN_DIR is
/var/run/xen by default. But if users chooses a different path the path
used in libxl and the path used in libxenstat will go out of sync hence
rendering libxenstat useless.

I think this is a backport candidate.


> Ian.

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