>>> On 07.07.16 at 11:09, <george.dun...@citrix.com> wrote:
> On 07/07/16 08:29, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>>> On 06.07.16 at 18:21, <george.dun...@citrix.com> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 9:02 AM, Jan Beulich <jbeul...@suse.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 18.06.16 at 01:12, <dario.faggi...@citrix.com> wrote:
>>>>> This really should not happen, but:
>>>>>  1. it does happen! Investigation is ongoing here:
>>>>>     http://lists.xen.org/archives/html/xen-devel/2016-06/msg00922.html 
>>>>>  2. even when 1 will be fixed it makes sense and is easy enough
>>>>>     to have a 'safety catch' for it.
>>>>> The reason why this is particularly bad for Credit2 is that
>>>>> negative values of delta mean out of scale high load (because
>>>>> of the conversion to unsigned). This, for instance in the
>>>>> case of runqueue load, results in a runqueue having its load
>>>>> updated to values of the order of 10000% or so, which in turns
>>>>> means that the load balancer will migrate everything off from
>>>>> the pCPUs in the runqueue, and leave them idle until the load
>>>>> gets back to something sane... which may indeed take a while!
>>>>> This is not a fix for the problem of time going backwards. In
>>>>> fact, if that happens a lot, load tracking accuracy is still
>>>>> compromized, but at least the effect is a lot less bad than
>>>>> before.
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Dario Faggioli <dario.faggi...@citrix.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Cc: George Dunlap <george.dun...@citrix.com>
>>>>> Cc: Anshul Makkar <anshul.mak...@citrix.com>
>>>>> Cc: David Vrabel <david.vra...@citrix.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  xen/common/sched_credit2.c |   12 ++++++++++++
>>>>>  1 file changed, 12 insertions(+)
>>>>> diff --git a/xen/common/sched_credit2.c b/xen/common/sched_credit2.c
>>>>> index 50f8dfd..b73d034 100644
>>>>> --- a/xen/common/sched_credit2.c
>>>>> +++ b/xen/common/sched_credit2.c
>>>>> @@ -404,6 +404,12 @@ __update_runq_load(const struct scheduler *ops,
>>>>>      else
>>>>>      {
>>>>>          delta = now - rqd->load_last_update;
>>>>> +        if ( unlikely(delta < 0) )
>>>>> +        {
>>>>> +            d2printk("%s: Time went backwards? now %"PRI_stime" llu 
>>> %"PRI_stime"\n",
>>>>> +                     __func__, now, rqd->load_last_update);
>>>>> +            delta = 0;
>>>>> +        }
>>>>>          rqd->avgload =
>>>>>              ( ( delta * ( (unsigned long long)rqd->load << 
>>> prv->load_window_shift ) )
>>>>> @@ -455,6 +461,12 @@ __update_svc_load(const struct scheduler *ops,
>>>>>      else
>>>>>      {
>>>>>          delta = now - svc->load_last_update;
>>>>> +        if ( unlikely(delta < 0) )
>>>>> +        {
>>>>> +            d2printk("%s: Time went backwards? now %"PRI_stime" llu 
>>> %"PRI_stime"\n",
>>>>> +                     __func__, now, svc->load_last_update);
>>>>> +            delta = 0;
>>>>> +        }
>>>>>          svc->avgload =
>>>>>              ( ( delta * ( (unsigned long long)vcpu_load << 
>>> prv->load_window_shift ) )
>>>> Do the absolute times really matter here? I.e. wouldn't it be more
>>>> useful to simply log the value of delta?
>>>> Also, may I ask you to use the L modifier in favor of the ll one, for
>>>> being one byte shorter (and hence, even if just very slightly,
>>>> reducing both image size and cache pressure)?
>>>> And finally, instead of logging function names, could the two
>>>> messages be made distinguishable by other means resulting in less
>>>> data issued to the log (and potentially needing transmission over
>>>> a slow serial line)?
>>> The reason this is under a "d2printk" is because it's really only to
>>> help developers in debugging.  In-tree this warning isn't even on with
>>> debug=y; you have to go to the top of the file and change the #define
>>> to make it even exist.
>>> Given that, I don't think the quibbles over the code size or the
>>> length of what's logged really matter.  I think we should just take it
>>> as it is.
>>> Reviewed-by: George Dunlap <george.dun...@citrix.com>
>> Oh, okay - I agree on those two parts then. But the question on the
>> usefulness of absolute vs relative times remains.
> What is the usefulness of printing the relative time?  If you have the
> absolute time, you have some chance of catching mistakes like one of the
> times being 0 or something like that; or of being able to correlate it
> with another time printed somewhere else (for instance, a timestamp from
> a trace record).

Well, having had to deal with time going backwards elsewhere
(both in the past and recently) I have always found it cumbersome
to work out the delta from huge (far into the billions) absolute
numbers, and therefore consider logging the delta more useful -
apart from seeing at the first glance whether a particular delta is
positive or negative, this also allows at almost the first glance to
at least recognize the magnitude of the difference. But anyway ...

> In any case, I think it's really a bike shed.  Dario is the one who has
> used this error message to find an actual bug recently, so I'll let him
> decide what he thinks the most useful thing to print here is.

... fine with me; it was just a question after all.


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