On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 01:00:45PM +0100, George Dunlap wrote:
> On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 12:41 PM, Olaf Hering <o...@aepfle.de> wrote:
> > On Tue, May 31, George Dunlap wrote:
> >
> >> Sorry, can you expand on this a bit?  Are you saying that on SuSE, if
> >> you specify "vdev=xvda" in your config file, that you'll get PV
> >> devices named "/dev/xvda", but that if you specify "vdev=hda", that
> >> you'll get PV devices but named "/dev/hda"?
> >
> > Yes, thats exactly what the xenlinux block frontend does.
> > pvops forces xvda, independent of the name 'vdev' in domU.cfg.
> > Up to xen-4.2 'vdev=hd*' was required to tell qemu to create an emulated
> > disk to boot from. Starting with xen-4.3 qemu also recognized
> > 'vdev=xvd*' for the emulated disk. And starting with xen-4.7 qemu
> > requires 'xvda=hd*' again.
> >
> > I think if some domU.cfg for xen-4.3+ has 'vdev=xvd*' and the domU uses
> > for some reason kernel names in config files and the domU uses a
> > xenlinux kernel, then changing domU.cfg to 'hd*' will allow the guest to
> > boot again. But its userland will miss the /dev/xvd* device nodes.
> > That probably remained unnoticed during testing the referenced commit if
> > a pvops based kernel was used.
> Or if -- as is the case for most of my own test systems -- filesystem
> UUIDs are used rather than device names.  (This means things work the
> same on PV with PV disks, HVM with PV disks, and HVM with emulated
> disks -- for instance, if you're using nested virtualization and your
> L1 dom0 can't access L0 xenbus.)
> Do you have a concrete proposal?
> Anthony, does the OVMF-with-pv-only-drivers actually still work at the moment?

It works. We got pushes to our ovmf tree regularly (only now it fails on

Having an extra emulated device shouldn't break OVMF, we've had that for
a long time before that patch was applied.

So I think the safest option now is to revert the said patch and figure
out what to do next.

Anthony and Ian, what do you think?


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