>>> On 24.05.16 at 03:03, <car...@cardoe.com> wrote:
> On 5/23/16 7:58 AM, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>>> On 22.05.16 at 07:01, <car...@cardoe.com> wrote:
>>>  verbose       := y
>>>  frame_pointer := y
>>> -else
>>>  endif
>>>  ifeq ($(perfc_arrays),y)
>>>  perfc := y
>>>  endif
>>> +ifeq ($(origin debug),command line)
>>> +$(error "You must use 'make menuconfig' to enable/disable debug now.")
>>> +endif
>> ... that this is at least premature. "At least" because: Didn't you or
>> someone else point out that this is then still used for controlling the
>> tool stack part of the build?
> I purposefully just check for "command line" in this case. So if someone
> does "make -C xen debug=[y|n]" or "cd xen && make debug=[y|n]" then that
> should be the only time they get that message.

But doesn't a "debug=[y|n]" on a top level make command line
trickle down as a command line variable too? In which case your
check would prevent someone forcing that setting to a specific
value for the tools (and other?) subtree(s).

> The other cases you'll see the check is different and would catch the
> debug value from the top level.
> If that's not what's intended please let me know and I can strip this
> bit out. You had mentioned the 'debug' option in
> http://lists.xenproject.org/archives/html/xen-devel/2016-05/msg01027.html 
> which is why I tried to come up with a message that I thought would be
> more limited and then hopefully not premature.

Well, yes, I did mention debug there, but iirc the discussion about
debug having a meaning outside of xen/ was on another subthread,
and needs to be taken into account here. Bottom line - I'd be fine
with the check left in place if indeed it won't harm any possible top
level make invocation. Otherwise I think this would at least need to
be relaxed to $(warning ...).


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