>>> On 13.05.16 at 17:35, <dgde...@tycho.nsa.gov> wrote:
> On 05/13/2016 11:09 AM, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>>> On 13.05.16 at 16:50, <ta...@tklengyel.com> wrote:
> [...]
>>>>> @@ -1468,6 +1505,69 @@ int 
>>>>> mem_sharing_memop(XEN_GUEST_HANDLE_PARAM(xen_mem_sharing_op_t) arg)
>>>>>           }
>>>>>           break;
>>>>> +        case XENMEM_sharing_op_bulk_share:
>>>>> +        {
>>>>> +            unsigned long max_sgfn, max_cgfn;
>>>>> +            struct domain *cd;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +            rc = -EINVAL;
>>>>> +            if ( !mem_sharing_enabled(d) )
>>>>> +                goto out;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +            rc = 
>>>>> rcu_lock_live_remote_domain_by_id(mso.u.bulk.client_domain,
>>>>> +                                                   &cd);
>>>>> +            if ( rc )
>>>>> +                goto out;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +            rc = xsm_mem_sharing_op(XSM_DM_PRIV, d, cd, mso.op);
>>>> Either you pass XENMEM_sharing_op_share here, or you need to
>>>> update xen/xsm/flask/policy/access_vectors (even if it's only a
>>>> comment which needs updating).
>>> Right, it should actually be sharing_op_share here.
>>>> That said - are this and the similar pre-existing XSM checks actually
>>>> correct? I.e. is one of the two domains here really controlling the
>>>> other? I would have expected that a tool stack domain initiates the
>>>> sharing between two domains it controls...
>>> Not sure what was the original rationale behind it either.
>> Daniel - any opinion on this one?
> This hook checks two permissions; the primary check is that current (which
> is not either argument) can perform HVM__MEM_SHARING on (cd).  When XSM is
> disabled, this is checked as device model permissions.  I don't think this
> is what you were asking about, because this is actually a control operation.
> The other permission check invoked by this hook, only when XSM is enabled,
> is a check for HVM__SHARE_MEM between (d) and (cd).  This is to allow a
> security policy to be written that forbids memory sharing between different
> users but allow it between VMs belonging to a single user (as an example).

Ah, I see - I missed the use of current->domain. But the asymmetry
still seems odd: In a sharing operation, both domains are equally
affected, and hence current->domain should have control over both,
and the second check should be done both ways (unless
domain_has_perm()'s first two arguments are treated equally, which
it doesn't look like is the case).


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