On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 11:28 AM, Lars Kurth <lars.kurth....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I added the following sections based on git logs to man pages. Authors are on 
> the CC list and should review and modify (or suggest edits by replying to 
> this thread). I added/updated/added TODO's to:
> I do have some questions, to ...
> - Konrad/Ross: is there any documentation for xSplice which I have missed?
> - Julien: Any ARM specific stuff you want people to test?
> - Doug: are there any docs / tests for KCONFIG you want to push
> - George: are there any manual tests for credit 2 hard affinity, for hotplug 
> disk backends (drbd, iscsi, &c) and soft reset for HVM guests that should be 
> added?
> For the following sections there are some TODO's - please verify and modify 
> and once OK, remove the TODO from the wiki pages.
> RTDS (Meng Xu, Tianyang, Chong Li)
> - Meng, you mention improvements to the RTDS scheduler in another thread
> - Are any specific test instructions needed in 
> http://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/Xen_4.7_RC_test_instructions
> - 
> http://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/Xen_4.7_RC_test_instructions#RTDS_scheduler_improvements

I verified the text in the wiki, added one comment "which will not
invoke the scheduler unnecessarily" for the event-driven model.

I removed the TODO in the RTDS section in the wiki.
Please let me know if I need to do something else.

Thank you very much!



Meng Xu
PhD Student in Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania

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