>>> On 09.05.16 at 00:51, <kmora...@riseup.net> wrote:
> I'm try to compile kernel 4.4.8 (using fedora 23) to run with Xen 4.6.0
> and Intel Skylake processor (Intel Core i7-6600U)
> This kernel is crashing almost in the same way as explained in this
> thread... But my problem is mainly with Skylake. Because the same
> configuration works within another machine but with another processor
> (Intel Core i5-3340M). Attached are the boot logs.

The address the fault occurs on (ffff8000006bdee0) is bogus, so
from the register and stack dump alone I don't think we can derive
much. What we'd need is access to the kernel binary used (or
really the vmlinux accompanying the vmlinuz that was used), in
order to see where exactly the kernel died, and hence where this
bogus address originates from. As I understand it this is a kernel
you built yourself - can you make said binary from exactly that
build available somewhere? Or if you don't have it anymore, obtain
fresh logs for whichever binary you're going to make available?


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