On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 06:26:09PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Wei Liu writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH v2 for-4.7 10/14] libxl: add the 
> printf-like attributes to a couple of functions"):
> > Sigh. I can't say I like turning that into a macro though. On the other
> > hand there doesn't seem to be an elegant way of solving that.
> Well, other than suppressing the warning somehow.

I don't think we want to suppress the warning. It's useful.

> > Roger, please at least make it look like a macro. Say, name it
> > DEVICE_MODEL_XS_PATH or something.
> I'm not sure I agree.  I think if we can make it a function-like
> macro, then it is fine to give it a function-like name.  (Note that
> many libc functions might be macros; getc is traditionally a #define.)
> Obviously it can't be function-like in that you must always pass it a
> literal, but violations of that constraint will be detected by the
> compiler.

I've pushed the series from Roger to staging because it fixes clang
compilation. I don't have strong opinion on what the name of macro
should look like so feel free to send a patch to change that.


> Ian.

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