On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 08:29:51PM +0200, Luis R. Rodriguez wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 07:12:08AM +0200, Juergen Gross wrote:
> > On 08/04/16 22:40, Luis R. Rodriguez wrote:
> > > On Wed, Apr 06, 2016 at 10:40:08AM +0100, David Vrabel wrote:
> > >> On 06/04/16 03:40, Luis R. Rodriguez wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>>     * You don't need full EFI emulation
> > >>
> > >> I think needing any EFI emulation inside Xen (which is where it would
> > >> need to be for dom0) is not suitable because of the increase in
> > >> hypervisor ABI.
> > > 
> > > Is this because of timing on architecture / design of HVMLite, or
> > > a general position that the complexity to deal with EFI emulation
> > > is too much for Xen's taste ?
> > 
> > The Xen hypervisor should be as small as possible. Adding an EFI
> > emulator will be adding quite some code. This should be done after a
> > very thorough evaluation only.
> Sure.
> > > ARM already went the EFI entry way for domU -- it went the OVMF route,
> > > would such a possibility be possible for x86 domU HVMLite ? If not why
> > > not, I mean it would seem to make sense to at least mimic the same type
> > > of early boot environment, and perhaps there are some lessons to be
> > > learned from that effort too.
> > 
> > The final solution must be appropriate for dom0, too. So don't try
> > to limit the discussion to domU. If dom0 isn't going to be acceptable
> > there will no need to discuss domU.
> Understood. George noted that on ARM dom0 still uses the ARM native entry
> point, it seems to accomplish this as it uses a device tree node. I'll
> chime in on that in another thread.
> > > Are there some lessons to be learned with ARM's effort? What are they?
> > > If that could be re-done again with any type of cleaner path, what
> > > could that be that could help the x86 side ?
> > > 
> > > Although emulating EFI may require work, some folks have pointed out
> > > that the amount of work may not be that much. If that is done can
> > > we instead rely on the same code to replace OVMF to support both
> > > Xen ARM and Xen HVMLite on x86 ? What would be the pros / cons of
> > > this ?
> > > 
> > >> I also still do not understand your objection to the current tiny stub.
> > > 
> > > Its more of a hypothetical -- can an EFI entry be used instead given
> > > it already does exactly what the new small entry does ? Its also rather
> > > odd to add a new entry without evaluating fully a possible alternative
> > > that would provide the same exact mechanism.
> > 
> > The interface isn't the new entry only. It should be evaluated how much
> > of the early EFI boot path would be common to the HVMlite one.
> We also have other asm code which can be shared. I'll reply to Boris'
> original e-mail with what I can identify as perhaps sharable. There is
> obviously more as you allude.
> > What would be gained by using the same entry but having two different boot
> > paths after it?
> Its a good question. In summary for me it would be the push for sharing more
> code and the push for semantics on early boot to address differences
> proactively, and ultimately it may enable us to help bring closer the old PV
> boot path closer.

But why? We want to kill PV (eventually).
> I'll elaborate on this but first let's clarify why a new entry is used for
> HVMlite to start of with:
>   1) Xen ABI has historically not wanted to set up the boot params for Linux
>      guests, instead it insists on letting the Linux kernel Xen boot stubs 
> fill
>      that out for it. This sticking point means it has implicated a boot stub.

Which is b/c it has to be OS agnostic. It has nothing to do 'not wanting'.

>      The HVMLite boot entry tries to bring the boot entries paths closer as it
>      leverages more of the HVM boot path philosophy to mimic the regular PC 
> boot
>      path.
>      Is HVMLite supposed to support legacy PV guests as well BTW ?

Gosh no.
>      Reason I'm highlighting Xen ABI as a *reason* alone is that even with
>      today's large discrepancy on the old PV boot path I believe we can
>      bring together the boot paths closer together if the Xen ABI was slightly
>      flexible about this, I've highlighted how I believe that is possible 
> before,

<runs away screaming>

>      *iff* the Xen ABI would at the very least set 2 things only:
>      a) Hypervisor type
>      b) A custom data pointer
>      This would enable a single boot entry on the guest to handle then:
>       Pseudo code:
>       startup_32()                         startup_64()
>              |                                  |
>              |                                  |
>              V                                  V
>       pre_hypervisor_stub_32()        pre_hypervisor_stub_64()
>              |                                  |
>              |                                  |
>              V                                  V
>        [existing startup_32()]       [existing startup_64()]
>              |                                  |
>              |                                  |
>              V                                  V
>       post_hypervisor_stub_32()       post_hypervisor_stub_64()
>      If the Xen ABI was flexible about setting a hypervisor type and custom
>      data pointer then we would haven handlers for it, and in it, it can
>      do whatever it thinks is needed for its own guest types. It could
>      also continue to set the zero page on its own as it sees fit.
>      Again, note that if this is done it could also mean even bringing 
> together
>      the old PV boot path closer together... so this is not just a prospect
>      for HVMLite but also for old PV guests.
>   2) Because of 1) it has meant we have no formal semantics for early boot
>      code is available and so severe differences can best be addressed also
>      by yet another boot entry. This has meant often times not addressing

There are semantics written for this new code: 

All other ones related to low-level operations are described in Intel SDM.

>      or not knowing if we've addressed real differences between the different
>      entries. Case in point, dead code [0]. How do we know we will not run
>      certain code that should not run for the different entries ? Without
>      *any* semantics later in boot code to distinguish where we came from
>      and because we strive to build single kernels with different possible
>      run time environments it means we have tons of code available to
>      execute / run that we may not need.

I am not following that. PVH aka HVMLite will pretty much erase the need for the
>      Because of the lack of semantics we may still have dead code prospects
>      with the new HVMLite entry. How are we sure there is no differences ?
> [0] 
> http://www.do-not-panic.com/2015/12/avoiding-dead-code-pvops-not-silver-bullet.html
>   3) Unikernel / other OS requirements: this is really tied to 2) but even if
>      we tried to evolve the Xen ABI it would mean considering existing 
> solutions
>      out there. Things to consider as an example: FreeBSD doesn't have an EFI
>      entry, unikernels want a simple boot entry.
> With this in mind then, that I can think of:
> Cons of using the same entry but having two different boot paths:
>   * Pushes the Xen ABI, needs to make everyone happy, this is hard
>   * Perhaps harder to implement
> Gains of striving to use the same entry but having two different boot:
>  * Helps to share more code easily
>  * Reduce attack surface
>  * Requires us to have semantics for early boot; this has a series of
>    side benefits:
>    - Means you should try to address differences explicitly rather than
>      implicitly -- case in point Dead Code
> > You still need a way to distinguish between bare metal
> > EFI and HVMlite.
> Great point! This is the semantics aspect. The new entry for HVMlite approach
> deals with this by making the differences implicit by the new entry point.
> My call for addressing this through a hypervisor type was to see if we can
> get those semantics added explicitly so we can also later address dead
> code concerns for the new HVMLite guest type.

Right, they are..
> Part of my own interest in an EFI entry here is that EFI could be used to help
> expand on the semantics in an OS/agnostic form rather than pushing the x86 
> boot
> protocol further. That seems to have its own set of drawbacks though.
> > And Xen needs a way to find out whether a kernel is
> > supporting HVMlite to boot it in the correct mode.
> How was Xen going to find out if new kernels had HVMlite support with the
> new entry ? An ELFNOTE() ? If an entry is shared could we note use an

> ELFNOTE() also for this though too ?

Not sure what you mean by 'shared'. But you can add multiple Elf PT_NOTEs.
See the ELF document.
>   Luis
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