> > +build_id.o: $(TARGET)-syms
> > +   $(OBJCOPY) -O binary --only-section=.note $(BASEDIR)/xen-syms $@.bin
> Considering your xen.lds.S changes, won't this potentially copy quite
> a bit more than just the build ID (i.e. all notes)? This may be okay, and
> may be even intended, but then the generate file's name should
> reflect this to not misguide people.

I changed it notes.o

> > +   $(OBJCOPY) -I binary -O elf64-x86-64 -B i386:x86-64 \
> > +           --rename-section=.data=.note.gnu.build-id -S $@.bin $@
> Since you put the notes into .rodata anyway, why name the
> section .note.*? Just name it .rodata.*, avoiding to mislead
> others who also think that a section's name has much of a
> meaning.

Way back last year:

which is where the .note came about. I can put it all in .rodata
and not have it for normal ELF builds if you would like.

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