On 07/04/2016 01:16, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>> Andrew Cooper <andrew.coop...@citrix.com> 04/05/16 7:49 PM >>>
>> On 31/03/16 08:48, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>>>> On 23.03.16 at 17:36, <andrew.coop...@citrix.com> wrote:
>>>>      switch ( input[1] )
>>>>      {
>>>> -    case 0: 
>>>> +    case 0:
>>>>          /* EAX: low 32bits of xfeature_enabled_mask */
>>>> -        regs[0] = info->xfeature_mask & 0xFFFFFFFF;
>>>> +        regs[0] = guest_xfeature_mask;
>>>          /* EDX: high 32bits of xfeature_enabled_mask */
>>> -        regs[3] = (info->xfeature_mask >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
>>> +        regs[3] = guest_xfeature_mask >> 32;
>>> ... here and ...
>>>>      case 1: /* leaf 1 */
> <>>          regs[0] = info->featureset[featureword_of(X86_FEATURE_XSAVEOPT)];
>>>> -        regs[2] &= info->xfeature_mask;
>>>> -        regs[3] = 0;
>>>> +        regs[2] = guest_xfeature_mask & X86_XSS_MASK;
>>>> +        regs[3] = (guest_xfeature_mask >> 32) & X86_XSS_MASK;
>>> ... here. Yet not by a compile time defined mask, but by using
>>> (host) CPUID output: It is clear that once a bit got assigned to XCR0
>>> vs XSS, it won't ever change. Hence it doesn't matter whether you
>>> use the guest or host view of that split. And this will then also - other
>>> than you've said before would be unavoidable - make unnecessary to
>>> always update this code when new states get added.
>> There is no possible way of avoiding having a whitelist somewhere, which
>> limits what Xen will tolerate supporting for the guest.
> Right, but preferably in exactly one place. And imo that ought to be
> info->xfeature_mask.

info->xfeature_mask is actually Xen's limit, as obtained from
XEN_DOMCTL_getvcpuextstate, so is an authoritative source of "the
maximum Xen will support".

However, the guest_xfeature_mask must be generated and used as this
patch.  Without it, a domU will break if it migrates from a more capable
xstate host to a less capable host, as using info->xfeature_mask alone
leaks in state which should be levelled out.

Currently upstream, heterogeneous migration of domains using xsave is
broken if the domain first boots on the more-capable host.


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