flight 87391 ovmf real [real]

Regressions :-(

Tests which did not succeed and are blocking,
including tests which could not be run:
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-ovmf-amd64  3 host-install(3)  broken REGR. vs. 65543
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-ovmf-amd64 9 debian-hvm-install fail REGR. vs. 65543

version targeted for testing:
 ovmf                 481b93f7f00feb9bbc9e5a412c5065c0740b20f4
baseline version:
 ovmf                 5ac96e3a28dd26eabee421919f67fa7c443a47f1

Last test of basis    65543  2015-12-08 08:45:15 Z  109 days
Failing since         65593  2015-12-08 23:44:51 Z  108 days  122 attempts
Testing same since    87391  2016-03-26 01:44:57 Z    0 days    1 attempts

People who touched revisions under test:
  "Samer El-Haj-Mahmoud" <el...@hpe.com>
  "Wu, Hao A" <hao.a...@intel.com>
  "Yao, Jiewen" <jiewen....@intel.com>
  Alcantara, Paulo <paulo.alc.cavalca...@hp.com>
  Anbazhagan Baraneedharan <anbazha...@hp.com>
  Andrew Fish <af...@apple.com>
  Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheu...@linaro.org>
  Arthur Crippa Burigo <a...@hp.com>
  Cecil Sheng <cecil.sh...@hpe.com>
  Chao Zhang <chao.b.zh...@intel.com>
  Chao Zhang<chao.b.zh...@intel.com>
  Charles Duffy <chadu...@cisco.com>
  Cinnamon Shia <cinnamon.s...@hpe.com>
  Cohen, Eugene <eug...@hp.com>
  Dandan Bi <dandan...@intel.com>
  Daocheng Bu <daocheng...@intel.com>
  Daryl McDaniel <edk2-li...@mc2research.org>
  David Woodhouse <david.woodho...@intel.com>
  Derek Lin <derek.l...@hpe.com>
  edk2 dev <edk2....@edk2.org>
  edk2-devel <edk2-devel-boun...@lists.01.org>
  Eric Dong <eirc.d...@intel.com>
  Eric Dong <eric.d...@intel.com>
  Eugene Cohen <eug...@hp.com>
  Evan Lloyd <evan.ll...@arm.com>
  Feng Tian <feng.t...@intel.com>
  Fu Siyuan <siyuan...@intel.com>
  Gabriel Somlo <so...@cmu.edu>
  Gary Ching-Pang Lin <g...@suse.com>
  Gary Lin <g...@suse.com>
  Ghazi Belaam <ghazi.bel...@hpe.com>
  Hao Wu <hao.a...@intel.com>
  Haojian Zhuang <haojian.zhu...@linaro.org>
  Hess Chen <hesheng.c...@intel.com>
  Heyi Guo <heyi....@linaro.org>
  Jaben Carsey <jaben.car...@intel.com>
  James Bottomley <james.bottom...@hansenpartnership.com>
  Jeff Fan <jeff....@intel.com>
  Jiaxin Wu <jiaxin...@intel.com>
  jiewen yao <jiewen....@intel.com>
  Jim Dailey <jim_dai...@dell.com>
  jim_dai...@dell.com <jim_dai...@dell.com>
  Jordan Justen <jordan.l.jus...@intel.com>
  Juliano Ciocari <juliano.cioc...@hp.com>
  Karyne Mayer <kma...@hp.com>
  Larry Hauch <larry.ha...@intel.com>
  Laszlo Ersek <ler...@redhat.com>
  Leahy, Leroy P
  Leahy, Leroy P <leroy.p.le...@intel.com>
  Lee Leahy <leroy.p.le...@intel.com>
  Leekha Shaveta <shav...@freescale.com>
  Leendert van Doorn <leend...@paramecium.org>
  Leif Lindholm <leif.lindh...@linaro.org>
  Leo Duran <leo.du...@amd.com>
  Liming Gao <liming....@intel.com>
  Mark Rutland <mark.rutl...@arm.com>
  Marvin Haeuser <marvin.haeu...@outlook.com>
  Marvin Häuser <marvin.haeu...@outlook.com>
  Michael Kinney <michael.d.kin...@intel.com>
  Michael LeMay <michael.le...@intel.com>
  Michael Thomas <mali...@entropy-development.com>
  Michał Zegan <webczat_...@poczta.onet.pl>
  Ni, Ruiyu <C:/Program Files 
  Paolo Bonzini <pbonz...@redhat.com>
  Paulo Alcantara <paulo.alc.cavalca...@hp.com>
  Paulo Alcantara Cavalcanti <paulo.alc.cavalca...@hp.com>
  Peter Kirmeier <topet...@freenet.de>
  Qin Long <qin.l...@intel.com>
  Qiu Shumin <shumin....@intel.com>
  Rodrigo Dias Correa <rodrigo.dia.cor...@hp.com>
  Ruiyu Ni <ruiyu...@intel.com>
  Ryan Harkin <ryan.har...@linaro.org>
  Samer El-Haj-Mahmoud <el...@hpe.com>
  Samer El-Haj-Mahmoud <samer.el-haj-mahm...@hpe.com>
  Star Zeng <star.z...@intel.com>
  Supreeth Venkatesh <supreeth.venkat...@arm.com>
  Tapan Shah <tapands...@hpe.com>
  Thomas Palmer <thomas.pal...@hpe.com>
  Tian, Feng <feng.t...@intel.com>
  Vladislav Vovchenko <vladislav.vovche...@sk.com>
  Yao Jiewen <jiewen....@intel.com>
  Yao, Jiewen <jiewen....@intel.com>
  Ye Ting <ting...@intel.com>
  Yonghong Zhu <yonghong....@intel.com>
  Zhang Lubo <lubo.zh...@intel.com>
  Zhang, Chao B <chao.b.zh...@intel.com>
  Zhang, Lubo <C:/Program Files (x86)/Git/o=Intel/ou=Exchange Administrative 
Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=Zhang, Lubob8d>
  Zhangfei Gao <zhangfei....@linaro.org>

 build-amd64-xsm                                              pass    
 build-i386-xsm                                               pass    
 build-amd64                                                  pass    
 build-i386                                                   pass    
 build-amd64-libvirt                                          pass    
 build-i386-libvirt                                           pass    
 build-amd64-pvops                                            pass    
 build-i386-pvops                                             pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-ovmf-amd64                         fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-ovmf-amd64                          broken  

sg-report-flight on osstest.test-lab.xenproject.org
logs: /home/logs/logs
images: /home/logs/images

Logs, config files, etc. are available at

Explanation of these reports, and of osstest in general, is at

Test harness code can be found at

broken-step test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-ovmf-amd64 host-install(3)

Not pushing.

(No revision log; it would be 15268 lines long.)

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