On 03/25/2016 12:12 AM, Ian Jackson wrote:
Changlong Xie writes ("[PATCH v12 26/26] cmdline switches and config vars to control 
From: Wen Congyang <we...@cn.fujitsu.com>

Add cmdline switches to 'xl migrate-receive' command to specify
a domain-specific hotplug script to setup COLO proxy.

+    if (nic->forwarddev) {
+        flexarray_append(back, "forwarddev");
+        flexarray_append(back, nic->forwarddev);
+    }

I'd prefer a name with `coloft' in it, throughout, even for the
xenstore node.  But again this is not critical if we are not trying to
make a stable API.

+    static struct option opts[] = {
+        {"script", 1, 0, 0x100},

This should surely be --coloft-script, or --colo-script, something.

I think this script is (actually, in your setup) created by your
management software, and contains some actual functionality.  Am I
right ?  In which case my comments about including that functionality
in xen.git apply here too.  But again this is not a blocker for 4.7.

Also, I can't find your "comments about xxx".


-            xasprintf(&rune, "exec %s %s xl migrate-receive %s %s",
-                      ssh_command, host,
-                      libxl_defbool_val(r_info.colo) ? "-c" : "-r",
-                      daemonize ? "" : " -e");
+            if (!libxl_defbool_val(r_info.colo)) {
+                xasprintf(&rune, "exec %s %s xl migrate-receive %s %s",
+                          ssh_command, host,
+                          "-r",
+                          daemonize ? "" : " -e");
+            } else {
+                xasprintf(&rune, "exec %s %s xl migrate-receive %s %s %s %s",
+                          ssh_command, host,
+                          "-c",
+                          r_info.netbufscript ? "--script" : "",
+                          r_info.netbufscript ? r_info.netbufscript : "",
+                          daemonize ? "" : " -e");

I have just noticed here that you have introduced `-c' (in an earlier
patch) to mean to receive a COLO checkpointed stream.

Can you please change this to `--colo' ?



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