
so for the delay: wasn't checking my mail on the weekend. Also adding Jesus and 

> On 19 Mar 2016, at 09:54, Priya <> wrote:
> Hello Lars Kurth,
> I'm Priya V, a final year Computer Science student from Amrita University, 
> India. I came across this project on 'Improving Code Review Dashboard' in Xen 
> project ideas list, and thought about applying for the same in this round of 
> Outreachy.
> From a quick look, I understand that the CR data from repositories are 
> obtained using Metrics Grimoire tools and visualized on a Kibana dashboard. I 
> see the screenshots within the description, and I was wondering if there is a 
> way to take a look at any of these ( or can I reproduce it in my local ? )

That is correct: there is a set of scripts that create a database. We have a 
test data sets at 
And all the xen specific code and scripts are at 

> From the description of the project, I see that we need to produce Perceval 
> based scripts to analyze code review messages in Xen, instead of 
> MLStats/CVSAanlY-based scripts which is currently used. I was looking for the 
> Xen specific CVS scripts in <> 
> and couldnt find it yet. It would be great if you can point me to the 
> original scripts, so that I can setup Perceval and try figuring out how to 
> bring about the conversion.

There are no Perceval based scripts at this stage yet. But maybe we can find 
some improvements. 
@Priya: What is your IRC handle. I think we ought to set up a quick chat, if 
possible. I am usually lars_kurth on #xendevel on freenode 

> I find my skill-sets matching with the project requirements, and considering 
> that the deadline is drawing near, please guide me with pointers to start 
> with.

@Dani, @Jesus: could you find a suitable task. We can also consider extending 
the deadline by a couple of days.

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