1. Reduce spin timeout to 1ms, which can be boot-time changed with 
   For example:
           multiboot /boot/xen.gz ... vtd_qi_timeout=100 ...

2. Fix vt-d Device-TLB flush timeout issue.
   If Device-TLB flush timed out, we would hide the target ATS
   device and crash the domain owning this ATS device. If impacted
   domain is hardware domain, just throw out a warning.

   The hidden device should be disallowed to be further assigned
   to any domain.

   This patch set should base on 2 prereq patch sets:
    a). Make the pcidevs_lock a recursive one.
    b). Check VT-d Device-TLB flush error.

Not covered in this series:

    a) Eliminate the panic() in IOMMU_WAIT_OP, used only in VT-d register 
       Further discussion is required on whether and how to improve it.
    b) Handle IOTLB/Context/IEC flush timeout.

--Changes in v6:
#patch 1
   * Add an entry in docs/misc/xen-command-line.markdown _alphabetically_.
   * Add a __must_check annotation on the function queue_invalidate_wait().

#patch 2
   * Add Stray blanks inside the parentheses.
   * Don't iterate over pdev-s without holding that lock, and hold pcidevs_lock 
for pdev-s list.
   * Print SBDF in canonical ssss:bb:dd.f form.
   * Handle 'ret'/'rc' variables in the same function, and remove the pointless 

--Changes in v7:
#patch 1
   * Enhance printout infomation.
   * Enhance time unit conversion.

#patch 2
   *Enhance changelog.

Quan Xu (2):
  VT-d: Reduce spin timeout to 1ms, which can be boot-time changed
  VT-d: Fix vt-d Device-TLB flush timeout issue

 docs/misc/xen-command-line.markdown   |  7 +++
 xen/drivers/passthrough/pci.c         |  6 +--
 xen/drivers/passthrough/vtd/extern.h  |  2 +
 xen/drivers/passthrough/vtd/qinval.c  | 84 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 xen/drivers/passthrough/vtd/x86/ats.c | 12 +++++
 xen/include/xen/pci.h                 |  1 +
 6 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)


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