On Wed, 2016-02-10 at 17:47 -0800, Suriyan Ramasami wrote: > > > On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 2:03 AM, Ian Campbell <ian.campb...@citrix.com> > wrote: > > On Tue, 2016-02-09 at 10:20 -0800, Suriyan Ramasami wrote: > > > I agree on the first two paragraphs. > > > > > For the third paragraph, the rebuttal is that the exynos5800 and > > > > > exynos5422 based SoCs can have both clusters on at the same time. > > Hence, > > > > > the third paragrapah comment will have to be tweaked further. > > Possibly > > > > > reading: > > > > > The exynos5800 and exynos5422 can have both clusters on at the > > same time. > > > > > The exynos5800 boots up with cpu0 on cluster0 (A15). The > > exynos5422 can > > > > > boot up on either clusters as its pin controlled. In this case > > the DTS > > > > > should properly reflect the cpu order. > > > > > > > > Does the OS need to be aware of all these combinations though? Is > > it not > > > > sufficient to know how to bring up an A15 core and how to bring up > > an A7 > > > > core and then just do so based on the information in the DTS, > > without > > > > needing to worry about which sort of core we happened to have > > booted on? > > > > > > > > > > > Unfortunately, at least looking at the boot up code for the > > Exynos5422, > > > the OS needs to be aware of it. This is what I see in the linux > > source > > > code. If it boots up on an A7, then a special reset is needed which > > is > > > not needed when booted up otherwise. I do not have much more details > > on > > > that other than the Linux code. > > > Without that reset sequence, I have also verified that the powered on > > CPU > > > does not come up. > > > > Are we able to say that if we are booted on cluster 1 (always the A7s) > > then > > we always need this magic reset? i.e. is true for all SoCs which have > > an A7 > > cluster and can boot from it? (it's tautologically true for SocS which > > either have no A7's or cannot boot from them). > > > I do not have the information to answer the question. I am limited to > what I know (albeit a little bit) wrt the hardkernel related boards - > Exynos 5410 (odroid-XU) and the Exynos 5422 (Odoird XU3/XU4). With my > limited knowledge, I am only aware of Exynos 5410 which is capable of > booting off of an A7 or an A15. > > > Maybe I'm looking for similarities between different exynos variants > > which > > doesn't exist though. If we are going to talk about specific SoCs in > > the > > comments then I would rather that the code was also explicit rather > > than > > assuming cluster 1 will only be found on the 5800, that might be as > > simple > > as mapping the compatible string to a max_cluster (default 0 for > > unknown > > SoC) and warning if pcluster > max_cluster. > Can you please elaborate on the mapping that you talk about above. I am > lost here :-(
What I mean is can we say: exynos 1234 => Two clusters (max_cluster == 1) exynos 5678 => One cluster (max_cluster == 0) exynos ABCD => Two clusters (max_cluster == 1) Unknown => Assume one cluster and can we also assume that cluster 0 always consists of A15s and cluster 1 (if it exists) always consists of A7s? If so then we can say: max_cluster = look_up_by_compat(compat) pcluster = figure out from midr pcpu = figure it out if (pcluster >= max_cluster) error do bringup if (pluster == 1) do special handling for cluster 1 == a7 The difference compared with what you have is that it adds a check that we expect a second cluster for the SoC before it goes poking at stuff. What I'm trying to avoid is coming across some other SoC variant which has 2 clusters but has something different to the A7s or which requires some different handling. If we were confident that all exynosXXXX SoCs always require the same special handling for cluster 1 then we wouldn't really need this, but I don't think we know that? > > > > > > > > > > > The exynos5410 can have only one cluster on at a time, and it > > boots > > > > up > > > > > with pcluster == 0. > > > > > Any tweaks and comments on the above is appreciated. > > > > > > > > How much of this is down to physical h/w limitations and how much > > of it > > > > is > > > > down to firmware or software limitations? Can you flip the to the > > other > > > > cluster somehow? > > > > > > > The 5410 boots up on an A15, and only those 4 A15 CPUs in cluster 0 > > are > > > brought up. Hence, no flipping is required. > > > > What I meant was, given that the 5410 has a cluster of A15 and a > > cluster of > > A7s (right?) and you can only have one on at a time, how does an OS > > make > > use of the A7s if it wants to? As you say it boots from the A15, so how > > can > > the A7s be used? > > > > > The Linux OS has a bL (big - little) switcher module/code which handles > that. It maps one big core to one little core, and when the load is not > high, it switches off the big cluster, and turns on the small cluster - > AFAICT. So this is an OS limitation, not a h/w one? What's to stop an OS from brninging up the A15s and the A7s at the same time? > Also, are we still on wrt the two cpu pool suggestion and to have 4 cores > from cluster 0 in cpupool0 and 4 cores from cluster 1 in cpupool1. It > would be great if you can point me to some code as well. I have been > looking at cpupool.c and also on the system call interface that it > provides. I'm afraid I'm not really very familiar with this side of things myself :-( Ian. _______________________________________________ Xen-devel mailing list Xen-devel@lists.xen.org http://lists.xen.org/xen-devel