Many thanks for the detailed information and analysis - so potentially chasing 
something that cannot occur to a guest if the Windows PV Drivers are not 

> You might want to change this now. ;-)

No issue there - the guest was destroyed after grabbing the debug details. The 
full .cfg might be useful for someone else down the track.

> I'd strongly recommend installing some PV drivers into the guest, 

So this leads to another question. Is there a mechanism that exists today that 
allows via xl or some other Xen tool to 'probe' the guest as to if the PV 
drivers are loaded?

If not - it appears that:

        xc_hvm_param_get(ctx->xch, domid, HVM_PARAM_CALLBACK_IRQ, &pvdriver);

would get a return value that would equate to if the PV drivers are loaded / PV 
is able to be communicated with.

In list_vm(void), something such as (as part of the cmd line 'xl vm-list':

        uint64_t pvdriver = 0;
        int pv_available;
        pv_available = xc_hvm_param_get(ctx, info[i].domid, 

to extend:      

        printf(LIBXL_UUID_FMT "  %d    %-30s\t%d\n", 
LIBXL_UUID_BYTES(info[i].uuid),info[i].domid, domname, pv_available);

Including ' xenctrl.h' in xl_cmdimpl.c would also be needed so that the 
function 'xc_hvm_param_get' could be used.

I am yet to test / try this but any suggestions is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,


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