On Fri, Feb 05, 2016 at 08:48:49AM -0600, Doug Goldstein wrote:
> This is just suppose to do a simple compile test on Travis CI. Currently
> due to linux86 (bcc/bin86/dev86) not being whitelisted the tools cannot
> be built.
> Signed-off-by: Doug Goldstein <car...@cardoe.com>
> ---
> So this will work great if we get a regular cronjob or a post-receive hook
> to push to GitHub (https://github.com/xen-project/xen) since Travis CI 
> provides
> free integration with public repositories. So an example run of this is
> available at https://travis-ci.org/cardoe/xen/builds/107246160 if this gets
> merged I will setup a xen-project space under Travis for us. Currently its
> under my namespace because this file only exists in my branches.
> The goal here is not to replace osstest by any means but to augment it by
> providing some easy to do build tests on every revision and reporting back. It
> should be possible in the future to potentially tie this into osstest to
> allow this to build and if the tree for some reason failed to build not kick
> off a test flight on osstest. Just some thoughts, I know I'm getting a bit
> ahead of myself.

I think adding travis CI is a good idea. It would be valuable if
individual developers can run their series through travis before
submitting. Thanks for your work.

> Other future tweaks I've got are some simple dom0 boot tests using qemu to
> boot Xen and then boot a kernel and see that it came up. I've also got some
> scripts to check the code base for code style consistency using clang-format.
> If you're curious to see the output of these tests come to #xentest on
> Freenode.

The purpose of #xentest is (or was) to coordinate test day activities,
I would rather use a different channel.

However, there has been idea floating that test day should be organised
in developer channels, and there is no test day activity at the moment,
so I think it would fine for now to use it for travis.

A stupid question: does this mean if I fork xen.git on github, travis
will pick up my fork and spam #xentest?


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