By looping over @rows looking for buildjobs runvars and adding those
jobs to the output until nothing changes.

The output is resorted by runvar name which is the desired default
behaviour. As usual can be piped to sort(1) to sort by flight+job.

Signed-off-by: Ian Campbell <>
 - Use $jobcond,@jobconfparams to avoid SQL injection
 - Only recurse if the option was given
 - Drop synth from ORDER BY
 - Use a Schwatzian transform for the sort, at the same time allowing
   retention of the sorting of synth runvars last.
 - Fixup detection of already handle jobs to cope properly with jobs
   with now rows.
 - Iterate over @rows using an index var
 mg-show-flight-runvars | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mg-show-flight-runvars b/mg-show-flight-runvars
index f96539f..c847456 100755
--- a/mg-show-flight-runvars
+++ b/mg-show-flight-runvars
@@ -46,19 +46,21 @@ for (;;) {
 die unless @ARGV==1 && $ARGV[0] =~ m/^\w+$/;
 our @cols = qw(job name val);
 our @rows;
+our %jobs;
+sub collect ($;$@) {
+    my ($flight,$jobcond,@jobcondparams) = @_;
-sub collect ($) {
-    my ($flight) = @_;
+    $jobcond //= "TRUE";
     $flight =~ m/^\d+/ or $flight = "'$flight'";
-    my $qfrom = "FROM runvars WHERE flight=$flight AND $synthcond";
+    my $qfrom = "FROM runvars WHERE flight=$flight AND $synthcond AND 
     my $q = $dbh_tests->prepare
-       ("SELECT synth, ".(join ',', @cols)." $qfrom ORDER BY synth, name, 
-    $q->execute();
+       ("SELECT synth, ".(join ',', @cols)." $qfrom ORDER BY name, job");
+    $q->execute(@jobcondparams);
     while (my (@row) = $q->fetchrow_array()) {
        my $synth = shift @row;
@@ -70,6 +72,34 @@ sub collect ($) {
+if ($recurse) {
+    # collect() appends to @rows, avoiding the need to recurse
+    # there. However this means we can't use foreach (since that is
+    # not guaranteed to work if the array is mutated under its feet),
+    # instead use an index.
+    for ( my $rowidx = 0; $rowidx < @rows ; $rowidx++ ) {
+       my $row = $rows[$rowidx];
+       next unless $row->[1] =~ m/^(?:.*_)?([^_]*)buildjob$/;
+       # parse this flight and job, which must be in $flight.$job
+       # form if $recurse is true (see collect())
+       my ($tflight, $tjob) = flight_otherjob(undef, $row->[0]);
+       die "$row->[1]" unless $tflight;
+       # parse the buildjob reference and recurse. might be a job in
+       # this flight, in which case we still recurse since it might
+       # be a chain from a non-top-level job which hasn't been
+       # included yet. %jobs will prevent us from duplicating or
+       # infinite loops.
+       my ($oflight, $ojob) = flight_otherjob($tflight, $row->[2]);
+       next if $jobs{$oflight,$ojob}++;
+       collect($oflight, "job = ?", $ojob);
+    }
 our @colws;
 sub max ($$) { $_[$_[0] < $_[1]] }
 foreach my $row (@rows) {
@@ -77,7 +107,11 @@ foreach my $row (@rows) {
 $colws[1] += length $synthsufx;
-foreach my $row (@rows) {
+# Sort by runvar name, then (flight+)job, synth runvars come last.
+foreach my $row (map { $_->[0] }
+                sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] }
+                map { [ $_, ($_->[1] =~ m/~$/)." $_->[1] $_->[0]" ] }
+                @rows) {
     printf "%-*s %-*s %-*s\n", map { $colws[$_], $row->[$_] } qw(0 1 2)
         or die $!;

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