On 13/01/16 15:36, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>> On 13.01.16 at 16:25, <andrew.coop...@citrix.com> wrote:
>> On 12/01/16 15:19, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>>>> On 12.01.16 at 12:55, <andrew.coop...@citrix.com> wrote:
>>>> On 12/01/16 10:08, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>>> This went unnoticed until a backport of this to an older Xen got used,
>>>>> causing migration of guests enabling this VM assist to fail, because
>>>>> page table pinning there preceeds vCPU context loading, and hence L4
>>>>> tables get initialized for the wrong mode. Fix this by post-processing
>>>>> L4 tables when setting the intended VM assist flags for the guest.
>>>>> Note that this leaves in place a dependency on vCPU 0 getting its guest
>>>>> context restored first, but afaict the logic here is not the only thing
>>>>> depending on that.
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeul...@suse.com>
>>>>> --- a/xen/arch/x86/domain.c
>>>>> +++ b/xen/arch/x86/domain.c
>>>>> @@ -1067,8 +1067,48 @@ int arch_set_info_guest(
>>>>>          goto out;
>>>>>      if ( v->vcpu_id == 0 )
>>>>> +    {
>>>>>          d->vm_assist = c(vm_assist);
>>>>> +        /*
>>>>> +         * In the restore case we need to deal with L4 pages which got
>>>>> +         * initialized with m2p_strict still clear (and which hence lack 
>> the
>>>>> +         * correct initial RO_MPT_VIRT_{START,END} L4 entry).
>>>>> +         */
>>>>> +        if ( d != current->domain && VM_ASSIST(d, m2p_strict) &&
>>>>> +             is_pv_domain(d) && !is_pv_32bit_domain(d) &&
>>>>> +             atomic_read(&d->arch.pv_domain.nr_l4_pages) )
>>>>> +        {
>>>>> +            bool_t done = 0;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +            spin_lock_recursive(&d->page_alloc_lock);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +            for ( i = 0; ; )
>>>>> +            {
>>>>> +                struct page_info *page = 
>>>>> page_list_remove_head(&d->page_list);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +                if ( page_lock(page) )
>>>>> +                {
>>>>> +                    if ( (page->u.inuse.type_info & PGT_type_mask) ==
>>>>> +                         PGT_l4_page_table )
>>>>> +                        done = !fill_ro_mpt(page_to_mfn(page));
>>>>> +
>>>>> +                    page_unlock(page);
>>>>> +                }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +                page_list_add_tail(page, &d->page_list);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +                if ( done || (!(++i & 0xff) && 
>>>>> hypercall_preempt_check()) )
>>>>> +                    break;
>>>>> +            }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +            spin_unlock_recursive(&d->page_alloc_lock);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +            if ( !done )
>>>>> +                return -ERESTART;
>>>> This is a long loop.  It is preemptible, but will incur a time delay
>>>> proportional to the size of the domain during the VM downtime. 
>>>> Could you defer the loop until after %cr3 has set been set up, and only
>>>> enter the loop if the kernel l4 table is missing the RO mappings?  That
>>>> way, domains migrated with migration v2 will skip the loop entirely.
>>> Well, first of all this would be the result only as long as you or
>>> someone else don't re-think and possibly move pinning ahead of
>>> context load again.
>> A second set_context() will unconditionally hit the loop though.
> Right - another argument against making any change to what is
> in the patch right now.

If there are any L4 pages, the current code will unconditionally search
the pagelist on every entry to the function, even when it has already
fixed up the strictness.

A toolstack can enter this functions multiple times for the same vcpu,
by resetting the vcpu state inbetween.  How much do we care about this


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