Ian Campbell writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH v2 03/13] libxl: provide a 
function to retrieve the xenstore domain id"):
> On Fri, 2015-12-18 at 15:10 +0100, Juergen Gross wrote:
> > The latter. It will be used in patch 13 to decide which domain to
> > stop via "xl shutdown --all".
> ITYM "not stop".
> libxl already has interfaces for getting info about a
> domain, libxl_domain_info libxl_list_domain etc, it seems like this
> property should be added to that data rather than introducing a special
> purpose API to get it. Especially given that xl shutdown already calls
> libxl_list_domain.
> I'm unsure if (lib)xl ought to be special casing XS in this way, as opposed
> to adding a more generic concept such as e.g. permanent domains, which
> would be true for the xs domain but also for other special domains in the
> future and could even be controlled by the user or toolstack (I'm thinking
> you might want to set the flag on a driver domain for example).

Indeed, I think a more general concept would be sensible.  Stub dm
domains are already handled specially I think.


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