On 1/4/2016 9:36 AM, Dario Faggioli wrote:
On Mon, 2016-01-04 at 21:48 +0800, Meng Xu wrote:
On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 7:42 PM, Ian Campbell <ian.campb...@citrix.com
On Thu, 2015-12-31 at 04:45 -0500, Tianyang Chen wrote:
Budget replenishment is now handled by a dedicated timer which is
triggered at the most imminent release time of all runnable
Signed-off-by: Tianyang Chen <ti...@seas.upenn.edu>
Signed-off-by: Meng Xu <men...@cis.upenn.edu>
Signed-off-by: Dagaen Golomb <dgol...@seas.upenn.edu>
0000-cover-letter.patch | 16 +++
0001-Improved-RTDS-scheduler.patch | 280
bak | 62 ++++++++
I assume you didn't actually intend to commit those ;-)
No. This version was sent by mistake. Please ignore this version. :-(
Tianyang sent another version (v2) with the subject "[PATCH V2 1/1]
Improved RTDS scheduler".
Indeed. BTW, I'm back today from Winter Holidays. I'll give a look at
this series as soon as practical.
I'll comment directly on V2, with the only exception of this very
So, first of all, Cc list (which is the same here and in V2): how have
the names of the people that are in there been picked?
Dario: I picked the names based on previous discussion threads between
you, Meng and Dagaen. Now I have changed who will be cc'ed so they won't
be bothered.
The patch is only about xen/common/sched_rt.c. As per MAINTAINERS, the
maintainer of the code hosted in that file is just me. Surely it's a
good thing to also include George, as he's the other maintainer of
scheduling in general.
All the other people, though, should not be bothered by being copied
directly... Especially IanC and IanJ, I'd say.
(In general single patches do not require a separate cover letter
the required context contains a large amount of information which
is not
appropriate for the commit message of the actual change, I'll leave
it to
you and the scheduler maintainers to decide how much of your cover
it would be appropriate to move to the commit message).
The cover letter is supposed to explain the design idea of the
improved RTDS scheduler so that reviewers could (potentially) save
time in reviewing the patch, we think. :-)
Probably, the commit message should be refined and self-contained?
That's true. In particular, the "context", defined as summary of what
happened and have been discussed on the mailing list before, during
previous submissions, etc., definitely belongs to a cover letter.
There are pages of discussions on the current design and we figured we
should make a cover page to summarize it and put more details in.
High level design ideas and concepts, also do, e.g., in order to avoid
ending up with commit changelogs that are all several pages long! :-)
All that being said, we certainly want patches' subject lines and
changelogs to be descriptive of at least what is being done, and why.
If we commit this as it is right now, here it is what we'll find in
`git log':
Improved RTDS scheduler
Budget replenishment is now handled by a dedicated timer which is
triggered at the most imminent release time of all runnable vcpus.
Which won't, I'm quite sure about it, be that much useful when looking
at it, say, in 3 years! :-D
I know, finding the proper balance of what's better put where is not
always super easy, especially at the beginning... but that's part of
the process of cooking a good patch (series) :-)
A few suggestions:
- we want tags in the subject. E.g., in this case, something like
"xen: sched: Improved RTDS scheduler"
- avoid (in both subject and changelog) generic terms like "improve"
"fix", etc., unless you can explain more specifically to what they
refer... I mean, pretty much all commits that touch sched_rt.c can
have "Improve RTDS" as a subject, can't they? (Unless we decide to
commit something making things deliberately worse!! :-))
Good call.
In this case, e.g. (although, perhaps a bit long):
"xen: sched: convert RTDS from time to event driven model"
- as Ian said, there are information in the cover letter that can
well be moved in the changelog, making it a lot more useful, and
not less refined or self contained.
Here is what I propose, please let me know your thoughts:
Cover letter:
1. How this patch could improve RTDS
2. Summary of previous discussion
Current RTDS scheduler is time driven and is called every 1ms. During
each scheduler call, the repl_update() scans both runq and depeletedq,
which might not be necessary every 1ms.
Since each vcpu is implemented as a deferable server, budget is
preserved during its period and refilled in the next. It is not
necessary to check every 1ms as the current design does. The
replenishment is needed at the nearest next period(nearest
current_deadline) of all runnable vcpus.
This improved design tries to reduce scheduler invocation by using an
event driven approach;rt_schedule() will return a value when the
scheduler needs to be called next time. In addition, the sched_rt will
have one dedicated timer to handle replenishment when necessary. In
other words, the budget replenishment and scheduler
decision(rt_schedule) are separated.
1. Changed/removed functions
2. Function graphs for handler and rt_schedule
xen: sched: convert RTDS from time to event driven model
Budget replenishment and enforcement are separated by adding a
replenishment timer, which fires at the next most imminent release time
of all runnable vcpus.
repl_handler(): a timer handler which is reprogrammed to fire at the
nearest vcpu deadline to replenish vcpus on runq and depeletedq. When
the replenishment is done, each replenished vcpu in the runq should
tickle a pcpu to see if it needs to preempt any running vcpus.
rt_schedule(): picks the highest runnable vcpu based on cpu affinity and
ret.time will be passed to schedule(). repl_update() has been removed.
The following functions have major changes:
rt_vcpu_wake(): when a vcpu is awake, it tickles instead of picking one
from runq.
rt_context_saved(): when context switching is finished, the preempted
vcpu will be put back into the runq. Picking from runq and tickling are
snext = runq_pick()
sched_rt.c TIMER_SOFTIRQ
<for_each_depleted_vcpu(i, i.repl_time < NOW()) {
Tianyang Chen
Thanks and Regards,
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