On 18/12/15 15:20, Doug Goldstein wrote:
> On 12/18/15 4:30 AM, Ian Campbell wrote:
>> On Tue, 2015-12-15 at 07:12 -0600, Doug Goldstein wrote:
>>> The following series is a follow on to the Kconfig conversion
>>> patch series.
>> It occurred to me this morning that we probably ought to stash
>> the .config somewhere on install in such a way that it can be
>> associated with the Xen binary (i.e. with the same full suffix as
>> the binary itself, not the abridged symlink names), maybe as
>> $(BOOT_DIR)/$(T)- $(XEN_FULLVERSION).config?
>> Maybe no so important right now, but once we start getting user
>> visible options we are going to want this.
>> I hesitate to suggest that we may also want an equivalent of
>> /proc/kconfig, i.e. hypercall to retrieve the running config, or
>> even a debug key to dump it to the console. Both of those are
>> more complex and secondary to installing it somewhere I think.
>> Ian.
> Yes. I wholeheartedly agree. This is in my follow on patch series
> that I plan on posting this afternoon.

With your series applied the hypervisor is being rebuilt each time I
call "make install" (without any other command in between).

Without the series no rebuild is triggered.


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