On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 2:16 PM, Luis R. Rodriguez
<mcg...@do-not-panic.com> wrote:
> From: "Luis R. Rodriguez" <mcg...@suse.com>
> This lets us annotate its requirements specifically for
> PC and lguest subarchitectures. While at it since head.c
> just has ebda data rename it. Since we're using linker tables
> and both x86 32-bit and 64-bit have them we don't need
> to declare a call for this separately. This lets us
> also keep this declared static now.
> Since we're using linker tables and have support to annotate
> subarchitecture do that instead. pv_legacy() is incorrect as
> its really only for legacy PV guests. There's no need for
> pv_legacy() check anymore now.

I'm entirely ignorant of anything going on in gPXE/iPXE.

Can you explain what a linker table *does*?  It looks like all you've
done in this patch is to move code around.  What actually happens?


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