>>> On 09.12.15 at 10:47, <jbeul...@suse.com> wrote:
>>>> On 09.12.15 at 10:28, <osstest-ad...@xenproject.org> wrote:
>> flight 65556 xen-4.4-testing real [real]
>> http://logs.test-lab.xenproject.org/osstest/logs/65556/ 
>> Regressions :-(
>> Tests which did not succeed and are blocking,
>> including tests which could not be run:
>>  test-amd64-amd64-xl-qcow2     3 host-install(3)         broken REGR. vs. 
>> 64766
>>  build-armhf                   5 xen-build                 fail REGR. vs. 
>> 64766
> I'm looking into this (also affecting 4.3, but oddly enough not 4.5
> and newer).

I guess it is related to ptdom_max_order being an alias of
domu_max_order in the pre-4.5 case (due to HAS_PASSTHROUGH
not being defined there). Looks like a compiler issue though, since
the return value is getting checked - just that the value used is the
same in both cases.


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