Am 16.11.15 um 20:47 schrieb Doug Goldstein:
I'm a little late to the thread but can you send me (you can do it
off-list if you'd like) the USE flags you used for xen, xen-tools and
seabios? Also emerge --info. You can kill two birds with one stone by
using emerge --info xen.
Hi Doug,
here you go:
Thanks. I'll use your configuration as a test point to update a few
things with regard to the Gentoo ebuilds. I'm not the maintainer of Xen
and SeaBIOS but I don't think the maintainers will have much issue with
the changes.
Hi Doug,
that sounds great. If you require any more information, please do not
hesitate to contact me - either by mail or through this thread.
USE flags:
app-emulation/xen-4.5.2-r1::gentoo USE="-custom-cflags -debug -efi
-flask -xsm"
app-emulation/xen-tools-4.5.2::gentoo USE="hvm pam pygrub python qemu
screen system-seabios -api -custom-cflags -debug -doc -flask (-ocaml)
-ovmf -static-libs -system-qemu" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7"
sys-firmware/seabios-1.7.5::gentoo USE="binary"
So looking at how SeaBIOS and friends are built I think we have an issue
that needs to be addressed. That being said, you wouldn't have this
issue if you did USE="-system-seabios -system-qemu". I believe you would
also be ok if you had done USE="system-seabios system-qemu". But after a
quick look at everything USE="system-seabios -system-qemu" will
definitely do the wrong thing.
There was a reason why I did not use -system-seabios. The reason (and a
discussion about the issues I was facing back then) can be found in this
This problem was then sorted by changing to the upstream SeaBIOS instead
of the bundled version (described in
by changing the USE flag.
I don't know whether there were any relevant changes since xen-4.3.3,
but at that point in time it appeared to be my only chance to keep my
system up and running. Since then (January 2015) I did not find any
reason to revert the USE flag back to -system-seabios as everything was
working as expected - obviously up until now.
Thanks Atom2
emerge --info: Please see the attached file
I'm not too familiar with the xen ebuilds but I was pretty sure that
xen-tools is what builds hvmloader and it downloads a copy of SeaBIOS
and builds it so that it remains consistent. But obviously your
experience shows otherwise.
You are right, it's xen-tools that builds hvmloader. If I remember
correctly, the "system-seabios" USE flag (for xen-tools) specifies
whether sys-firmware/seabios is used and the latter downloads SeaBIOS in
it's binary form provided its "binary" USE flag is set. At least that's
my understanding.
I'm looking at some ideas to improve SeaBIOS packaging on Gentoo and
your info would be helpful.
Great. Whatever makes gentoo and xen stronger will be awesome. What
immediately springs to mind is to create a separate hvmloader package
and slot that (that's just an idea and probably not fully thought
through, but ss far as I understood Andrew, it would then be possible to
specify the specific firmware version [i.e. hvmloader] to use on xl's
command line by using firmware_override="full/path/to/firmware").
I also found out that an upgrade to sys-firmware/seabios obviously does
not trigger an automatic re-emerge of xen-tools and thus hvmloader.
Shouldn't this also happen automatically as xen-tools depends on seabios?
Thanks and best regards Atom2
P.S. If you prefer to take this off-list, just reply to my mail address.
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